- The enemy launched a full scale offensive. 敵人發(fā)起了全面進(jìn)攻。
- The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in. 人們還沒(méi)有完全意識到這場(chǎng)災難的嚴重程度。
- The results calculated using the equation are very well coincided with those measured in laboratory experiments by full scale disc cutting device. 本文通過(guò)理論分析和實(shí)驗驗證,構建了柱齒滾刀破巖力數學(xué)模型。
- It should be subjected to adequate full scale site trial. 它應當經(jīng)過(guò)相當數量的現場(chǎng)試配。
- It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster. 這場(chǎng)災難的深重程度是無(wú)法充分認識的。
- The factory will commence full scale operation next month. 工廠(chǎng)將于下月開(kāi)始全力生產(chǎn)。
- Sudden pressure surges must never exceed the full scale value. 突然的壓力沖擊絕對不能超過(guò)全量程。
- This means that the full scale reading would correspond to 0.5 Amp. 這意味著(zhù)滿(mǎn)量程時(shí)讀數是0.;5安培。
- Land preservation,exploitation and control have been promoted on a full scale. 全面推進(jìn)土地保護、開(kāi)發(fā)與整治。
- Well,this unit here on display is a full scale assembly of our latest machine. 這是所展示的,是本公司最新機器的全套設備。
- Well, this unit here on display is a full scale assembly of our latest machine. 哦,這里所展示的這一部是本公司最新機器的全套設備。
- The Janpan militarists launched the full scale aggressive war against China. 日本軍國主義者發(fā)動(dòng)了全面侵華戰爭.
- The establishment of the well-known nature reserve of the three rivers' head source commenced on full scale. 舉世矚目的三江源自然保護區建設工程全面啟動(dòng)。
- The establishment of the well-known nature reserve of the three rivers'head source commenced on full scale. 舉世矚目的三江源自然保護區建設工程全面啟動(dòng)。
- The applicability of scaling equation for predicting onset of asphaltene precipitation has been studied and further extended to high-pressure gas injected system and precipitant/solvent/oil system. 研究了用標度方程預測瀝青質(zhì)沉淀點(diǎn)的可行性,并將其推廣應用至高壓注氣體系和沉淀劑/溶劑/原油體系。
- Main hive located in the city's outskirts. Destroy it before the aliens launch another full scale attack on the city. 敵人大本營(yíng)就位于市郊。在異形軍隊發(fā)動(dòng)下次總攻之前摧毀它!
- We monitor every stage of our production in a full scale to minimize the production loss. 我們在制程上每個(gè)階段都加以嚴密的監控,將制程中的不良率降到最低。
- You are asked to construct an ammeter to measure a current of 2 A at full scale deflection. 要你裝配一只滿(mǎn)標度時(shí)測量2安的電流計。
- From incoming material to finished product, we carry out a full scale of quality control. 從進(jìn)料到出貨,我們進(jìn)行全面的品質(zhì)控管,以確保品質(zhì)的穩定。
- The guage will accept the accidental application of up to 4 times full scale without damage except for small calibration error. 除了有略微的校正誤差以外,這個(gè)壓力表能夠承受4倍量程的意外應用而不會(huì )被損壞。