- The computation methods are given for the firing ta ble of real-time trajectory optimization of antiaircraft missile. 文章給出防空導彈軌道實(shí)時(shí)優(yōu)化射表的計算方法。
- Wreckage of antiaircraft missile and target after flying test has an important value. 防空導彈飛行試驗后彈目殘骸有著(zhù)重要價(jià)值。
- A simulation method used to evaluate on antiaircraft missile damage effect was proposed. 研究了一種配有激光近炸引信的防空導彈毀傷效果評估仿真方法。
- Abstract: The computation methods are given for the firing ta ble of real-time trajectory optimization of antiaircraft missile. 文摘:文章給出防空導彈軌道實(shí)時(shí)優(yōu)化射表的計算方法。
- This followed an earlier, secret attempt to reverse-engineer a Soviet antiaircraft missile that India had purchased in the 1960s. 印度早就秘密?chē)L試過(guò)制造飛彈了;他們用1960年代從前蘇聯(lián)購入的地對空飛彈當作藍本,以逆向工程仿制。
- The autonomy,deterrent force,anti-jamming and reliability are several important problems for the design of radar seekers of antiaircraft missile. 自主性、威懾力、抗干擾和可靠性是防空導彈雷達導引頭總體設計中的幾個(gè)重要問(wèn)題。
- Abstract: The direction fuze-warhead system is one of the important development orientation of antiaircraft missile in the future. 文章摘要: 定向引戰系統是未來(lái)防空導彈的重要發(fā)展方向之一。
- During the processing of developing antiaircraft missile armament system, miss distance is one important parameter in analying flight test data. 摘要脫靶量是防空導彈武器系統研制過(guò)程中進(jìn)行飛行試驗數據分析的一個(gè)重要參數。
- Simulation technique is the essential measure of guidance optimization design and performance research for portable antiaircraft missile. 仿真技術(shù)是便攜式防空導彈系統優(yōu)化設計和性能研究的必要手段。
- At last, intercepting effectiveness evaluation model of antiaircraft missile system, whose result is the survival probability of the group of attackers, is build. 最后,給出了一個(gè)以攻擊機編隊生存概率為評估結果的防空導彈系統攔截效能模型。
- Abstract: The autonomy, deterrent force, anti-jamming and reliability are several important problems for the design of radar seekers of antiaircraft missile. 文章摘要: 自主性、威懾力、抗干擾和可靠性是防空導彈雷達導引頭總體設計中的幾個(gè)重要問(wèn)題。
- An antiaircraft missile's overall design scheme named SACD for self-adjusting (SAS) based upon these new concepts is developed.At the same time, the feasibility of the method is pointed out. 應用這些概念,開(kāi)發(fā)了防空導彈總體自校正并行設計方案,并指出了該設計方法的可行性。
- According to the WSEIAC model, an index hierarchy of ground antiaircraft missile armament system's efficiency has been developed, and its corresponding three BP nerve network was established. 摘要根據WSEIAC模型建立了地面防空導彈武器系統效能評估的指標體系,并依此模型建立與之對應的三層BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
- Abstract: The antiaircraft missile's command and control system is a distributed real-time muhitask data processing system, its feature is real-time, parallel processing, asynchronous and muhitask. 文章摘要: 防空導彈武器指控系統是一個(gè)分布式實(shí)時(shí)多任務(wù)數據處理系統,其特點(diǎn)是實(shí)時(shí)性、并發(fā)、異步和多任務(wù)。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀占去了我大部分的閑暇時(shí)間。
- The computer further aids these operators by calculating the most effective use of the interceptor aircraft, antiaircraft funs, and also antiaircraft missiles. 計算機進(jìn)一步的幫助由計算阻止的人飛機的最有效的使用的這些操作員,防空的趣事,并且也防空的導彈。
- antiaircraft missile; interceptor missile 防空導彈
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船員仍然沒(méi)有患壞血病之虞。
- Antiaircraft missile (Surface to air missile) 防空導彈
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言論自由的強烈信仰者。