- Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch. 文字和插圖按每英寸300個(gè)點(diǎn)的密度打印。
- Uneven stitching per inch on bottom. 褲腳每寸針數不平均。
- The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension, usually expressed in units per inch. 在一單位長(cháng)度內包含的有用信息單位數。通常用每英寸多少單位表示。
- The density of characters in a printed line, usually expressed as characters per inch. 印刷密度一個(gè)印刷品中字的密度,常以每英寸多少個(gè)字來(lái)表示
- The resolution of a picture is expressed in pixels per inch (ppi). 圖片分辨率以每英寸像素(ppi)表示。
- This resolution by the number of lines per inch (LPI). 這栽分辨率通功每英寸的行數(LPI)來(lái)表示。
- The number of lines or dots per inch on a halftone screen. 中義半色調網(wǎng)屏中每英吋的線(xiàn)數或點(diǎn)數,或稱(chēng)網(wǎng)線(xiàn)頻率。
- With printers, we often indicate a resolution in dots per inch. 對于打印機,我們常常以每英寸點(diǎn)數指出分辨率。
- For examining the horizontal and vertical dots per inch of the display device. 用于檢查顯示設備每英寸的水平點(diǎn)數和垂直點(diǎn)數。
- If the image is over 900 dots per inch (dpi), it will be saved at 900 dpi. 如果圖像超過(guò)每英寸900點(diǎn)(DPI),則會(huì )以900 DPI保存圖像。
- The Effective Resolution field displays the resolution in dots per inch (dpi). “有效分辨率”字段將以每英寸點(diǎn)數(dpi)為單位顯示分辨率。
- They went at 18 frames per second. 傳輸速率為每秒18幀。
- Diametral pitch: the number of teeth per inch of pitch-circle diameter. 徑節---節圓直徑每英寸長(cháng)度上的齒數。
- I would like the 16 x 16 squares per inch at the thickest gage wire possible. 如果您是本網(wǎng)注冊會(huì )員,請登錄后查看聯(lián)系方式。
- Change the play back frame per second and do some test, you will find an appropriate FPS setting for recording. 改變播放速度為每秒一定的范圍來(lái)嘗試一下,你會(huì )找到適當設置錄制速度的。
- Adamantine has a hardness of 20 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness. 每一英寸厚的精金有20點(diǎn)的硬度和40點(diǎn)的耐久度。
- Weight of coil shall be 200 to 400 pounds per inch of ordered width. 在規定的寬度中,每英寸線(xiàn)圈的重量應在200到400磅范圍內。
- For example, most laser printers have a resolution of 300 or 600 dots per inch. 例如,大多數光柵打印機都有每英寸300或600點(diǎn)的分辨率。
- Measured by Caliper or Volume in U.K. or Pages per inch (ppi) in America. 是紙的厚度(寸)除以紙的基重(磅),亦即是每磅紙的厚度(寸)。
- Buttonholes sewn with more/less stitches per inch than as specified. /鈕門(mén)每寸針數比規定多/少。