- Experimental Study of Biochemical Treatment of Fracturing Fluid Recovery 生化處理壓裂返排液的試驗研究
- The synthesis condition of gelling agent phosphate ester in oil base fracturing fluid is studied on this paper. 探討了油基壓裂液膠凝劑磷酸酯的合成條件,進(jìn)而對配制的壓裂液性能進(jìn)行了評價(jià)。
- The article introduces a skid-mounted fracturing fluid preparing device and its application test in the field. 為此,文章介紹了一種壓裂液橇裝配制裝置及其現場(chǎng)應用實(shí)驗。
- The leakoff mechanism of the acidizing fluid is quite different from that of the fracturing fluid. 裂縫壁面的酸液濾失機理與壓裂液的濾失機理有很大的不同。
- Negative suction is the commonly used technique for fracturing fluid preparation. 真空抽汲是壓裂液普遍采用的配制工藝技術(shù)。
- Low polymer fracturing fluid system, with characteristics of little residue, low friction and filtrate loss, being easy to flow back, is developed. 研制開(kāi)發(fā)了低殘渣、低摩阻、低濾失和易返排的低聚合物壓裂液體系。
- It is shown that the delayed crosslinking time of fracturing fluid can be adjusted by changing the dosage of DCL-KB and pH value. 對DCL-KB的耐溫性、剪切恢復性、破膠性、攜砂等性能進(jìn)行了評價(jià)。 結果表明,DCL_KB交聯(lián)劑耐溫耐剪切性能好,調節加量和膠液的pH值,可改變延遲交聯(lián)時(shí)間。
- A multiparameter model of calculating the filtration rate of fracturing fluid in dual porosity media is set up in the paper. 摘要文章建立了一種多參數計算壓裂液在雙重介質(zhì)中濾失速度的模型。
- A new kind of gelatinizer (CJ2-9) is developed and formulation of the acidic fracturing fluid is confirmed in the paper. 摘要研制開(kāi)發(fā)出一種新型酸性壓裂液增稠劑-CJ2-9,并確定了酸性壓裂液的配方。
- The viscosity of borate crosslinked foam fracturing fluid ascended with increasing foam quality and descended with rising temperature. 泡沫壓裂液的黏度隨氣相體積份額的升高而升高,隨溫度的升高而下降。
- When conducting mixed tubing-casing fractuting, the fracturing fluid flow simultaneously through the tubing and the annulus into the formation. 在油套混壓中,壓裂液同時(shí)通過(guò)油管和油套環(huán)空進(jìn)入地層,由于油管內室和油套環(huán)空的流動(dòng)阻力性質(zhì)不同,導致其流量和流速差異。
- Tests indicate that the fracturing fluid containing DCL KB possesses the advan tage of adjustable delayed crosslinking time, good thermal stability, quick breaking property. 以DCL-KB為主劑的壓裂液耐溫耐剪切性能好、濾失量小、破膠快速徹底,而且具有良好剪切恢復能力,可滿(mǎn)足小眼井壓裂的需要。
- The cerebrospinal fluid recovery time, signs and symptoms disappearance time and the in-hospital time were shorter than those in the control group (all P<0.01);all the hydrocrania was eliminated. 腦脊液恢復正常時(shí)間、癥狀體徵消失時(shí)間以及住院時(shí)間比對照組明顯縮短(P均<0.;01);
- According to coal-bed formation characteristics of low porosity and low permeability to choose optimum fracturing fluid formula, we have chosen HEC fracturing fluid. 結合煤層孔隙度小、滲透性差等物性特征,對壓裂液配方進(jìn)行優(yōu)化,篩選出適合煤層物性的HEC壓裂液,并對其性能進(jìn)行了評價(jià)。
- Studied the hydrophobic groups and the influence to the gelatinizer as well as analyzes the mechanism of the gelatinizer to the fracturing fluid performance influence. 通過(guò)研究疏水基團對稠化劑的影響以及分析稠化劑對壓裂液性能影響的機理,研究了一種疏水締合物壓裂液稠化劑。
- This paper analyzed the causes of sand plug in fracturing treatment by considering the factor of formation,fracturing fluid,fracturing pumping and fracturing design. 通過(guò)考慮影響壓裂施工的地層、壓裂液、工程、設計等各種因素,剖析了壓裂過(guò)程中產(chǎn)生砂堵的常見(jiàn)原因。
- As oligomeric guar gum fracturing fluid is a new type of environment-friendly fracturing fluid, and study on its rheological property is of great significance. 低聚瓜膠壓裂液為新型清潔壓裂液,對其流變性研究十分重要。
- Through optimizing the hydraulic anchor,sand blower, safe joint, the packer and other downhole tools, the fracturing fluid with low organophilic damage is se. 通過(guò)對水力錨、噴砂器、安全接頭及封隔器等井下工具的組合優(yōu)化,優(yōu)選有機硼低傷害壓裂液,研制出了卡單封和雙封壓裂工藝技術(shù)。
- A special oil-based gelled fracturing fluid,Which combines gellant,crossing-linking agent,surfactant,exciting agent and breaker is presented and tested. 介紹了由磷酸酯膠凝劑、交聯(lián)劑、表面活性劑、激活劑和破膠劑組成的具有特殊性能的油基凍膠壓裂液體系。
- Results have been shown that the HPG fracturing fluids can be completely destroyed by APS/catalysts. 結果表明:在A(yíng)PS/活化劑破膠系統的作用下,采用有機硼作交聯(lián)劑的HPG壓裂液在較低溫度條件下能徹底破膠水化。