- Highly Software Industry Co., Ltd. 翰林匯軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)有限公司
- He's a whiz kid of software industry. 他是軟件行業(yè)里的青年才俊。
- This event signals a milestone for China's software industry. 這是中國軟件工業(yè)的一個(gè)里程碑。
- If the war is short, its impact on India's software industry will be minimal. 如果戰爭是短期的,他給予印度軟體工業(yè)的沖擊將會(huì )是極微的。
- The software industry, broadly defined, is much bigger than the hardware industry, and that's a trend that will certainly continue in a very big way. 軟件工業(yè),寬廣地定義,比硬件工業(yè)加大,和那是一個(gè)將會(huì )確定地以一非常大的方式繼續的趨勢。
- The sharing of commands and the flow of information from one program to another; a major goal of the software industry in the1980s. 從一個(gè)程序到另一個(gè)程序共享命令和信息流。集成軟件是軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)在80年代的一個(gè)主要目標。
- IP Allow lists are sometimes referred to as IP safe lists or "white" lists elsewhere in the software industry. 在其他地方的軟件行業(yè)中,有時(shí)將IP允許列表稱(chēng)為IP安全列表或“白”名單。
- Promotion of FOSS is beneficial to the whole software industry and informatization of China. 推廣開(kāi)源軟件可以全方位促進(jìn)中國軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)和信息化的發(fā)展。
- He has been working with objects and components for nearly 30 years and has wide experience in the software industry. 他已經(jīng)從事有關(guān)對象和組件工作大約有30年了,而且他在軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)方面有很豐富的經(jīng)驗。
- License compatibility always has been problematic in the open source software industry. 許可證的兼容性在開(kāi)源軟件業(yè)界一直是個(gè)問(wèn)題。
- The application software industry is changing at a faster rate than any time in its history. 應用軟件業(yè)的變化正處在比歷史上任何時(shí)候變化速度都快的時(shí)期。
- The software industry has developed because of the powerful advancement the object-oriented development technology. 摘要面向對象的開(kāi)發(fā)技術(shù)有力的推進(jìn)了軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)的迅速發(fā)展。
- With the occurrence of cosmically software,software quality is to be the other important problem in software industry. 隨著(zhù)大規模軟件的出現,軟件質(zhì)量成為軟件行業(yè)倍受關(guān)注的重點(diǎn)問(wèn)題之一。
- Especially in the software industry, our services more customer satisfaction is assured. 特別是在軟件行業(yè),我們的服務(wù)更是讓顧客滿(mǎn)意放心。
- This book was written by a software industry insider who first taught English in China in 1986. 本書(shū)的作者是一位軟件行業(yè)的業(yè)內人士,早在1986年就開(kāi)始在中國任教。
- The software industry is regarded as a performance destructor and complexity generator. 軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)被視為業(yè)績(jì)螨和復雜發(fā)電機。
- Career changers wanting to move from their field of expertise into the software industry. 從另一個(gè)行業(yè)轉到軟件行業(yè)的人們。
- There are three foster children in our home. 我們家有三個(gè)領(lǐng)養的孩子。
- The software industry is the core or soul of information industry, and the person with ability is pivotal factor. 摘要軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)是發(fā)展信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的核心和靈魂,要想促進(jìn)軟件產(chǎn)業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,關(guān)鍵就是人才。
- But now it is the OO that dominate the whole software industry, and AOP follows. 看看現在,面向對象的天下了,后面還有AOP。