- The Hebrew religion was a forward looking faith. 希伯來(lái)人的宗教是一個(gè)有遠見(jiàn)的信仰。
- The ex ante perspective is forward looking. “事先”視角乃是向前看的。
- We must ensure a high quality and forward looking civil service. 我們必須確保擁有一支高質(zhì)素和積極進(jìn)取的公務(wù)員隊伍。
- But with each always looking forward look, with disappointment meditation! 但每次總是帶著(zhù)期待眺望,帶著(zhù)失望沉思!
- For a particularly fashion forward look inspired by Donna Karin, in a soft, supple black synthetic leather. 憑靈感設計出特別時(shí)髦、超前的款式。上裝可用柔軟黑色合成革面料縫制。
- An efficient approach is proposed for tracking targets in FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) imagery taken from an airborne platform. 提出了一種有效的運動(dòng)平臺下前視紅外(FLIR)成像目標跟蹤算法。
- Overall,it is a model for open,accountable,forward looking public administration,headed by people of the very highest calibre. 整體而言,香港的公共行政架構公開(kāi)、問(wèn)責、目光遠大,由出類(lèi)撥萃的人才領(lǐng)導,表現卓越,堪當典范。
- I have considered all this in the context of a forward looking vision of Hong Kong's place in this region and in the world in the years ahead. 我所著(zhù)重的,是香港長(cháng)遠的未來(lái)。為此,我舉目前瞻,以香港在亞太區和全球的發(fā)展前景為前提,替香港定下了未來(lái)的理想。
- Overall, it is a model for open, accountable, forward looking public administration, headed by people of the very highest calibre. 整體而言,香港的公共行政架構公開(kāi)、問(wèn)責、目光遠大,由出類(lèi)撥萃的人才領(lǐng)導,表現卓越,堪當典范。
- Under the award CACI will support the Army’s Product Manager Forward Looking Infrared (PM FLIR) and Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate. 根據這項合同,CACI將為美國陸軍前視紅外產(chǎn)品管理人(PM FLIR)和夜視與電子傳感器部門(mén)人員提供支持。
- Heriot-Watt is a vibrant, forward looking University offering a high quality learning experience and a welcoming and friendly environment. 赫瑞-瓦特大學(xué)是一個(gè)充滿(mǎn)活力面向未來(lái)的大學(xué),提供高質(zhì)量的學(xué)習體驗和友好的校園環(huán)境。
- This paper discussed the application of modem elements in the modem society from digitization, fashion, sustainability, and forward looking of design. 從數字化、時(shí)尚性、可持續性、設計的前瞻性四個(gè)方面,闡述了當今社會(huì )的現代元素在包裝設計中的應用。
- Without a doubt, the Tiger color group forward looking strategic shift is enterprises transition usanexciting apothesis. 無(wú)疑,虎彩集團高瞻遠矚的戰略轉移,正是企業(yè)轉型升級的一個(gè)生動(dòng)典范。
- Providing consistent financial management,high quality regulation and forward looking infrastructure planning is only part of what Hong Kong's civil service provides. 制定貫徹一致的金融管理政策、作出完善的規管和進(jìn)行具前瞻性的基建規劃,都是香港公務(wù)員所提供的優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)的一部分。
- Zhuojiong Doctrine is unique in scientificity, innovativeness and forward looking in the history of domestic and international socialist economic theory. 卓炯學(xué)說(shuō)的科學(xué)性、創(chuàng )新性和前瞻性,在國內和國際社會(huì )主義經(jīng)濟理論史上,都是絕無(wú)僅有、獨占鰲頭的。
- As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle. 去年在多倫多一家酒吧的新年夜晚會(huì )上,當地一家劇團表演的枕頭戰喜劇竟然吸引一些女觀(guān)眾自告奮勇上臺加入表演。
- In other words, while the United States is pushing a failing public relations campaign, China is using effective public diplomacy to chart a forward looking path. 換句話(huà)說(shuō),當美國在推進(jìn)一項失敗的公關(guān)運動(dòng)時(shí),中國卻在用有效的公共外交手段描繪著(zhù)前瞻性的道路。
- Dynamical fa?ade and architectural shape express a sense of flow and times, embodying the high-technology and forward looking of the ocean and satellite industries. 富有動(dòng)感的屋面及建筑形體表達出一種流動(dòng)感和時(shí)代氣息,體現著(zhù)海洋事業(yè)和衛星事業(yè)的高技術(shù)性和前瞻性。
- Fedora is an open, innovative, forward looking operating system and platform, based on Linux, that is always free for anyone to use, modify and distribute, now and forever. 請注意您對開(kāi)源軟件學(xué)習社區的所有貢獻都可能被其他貢獻者編輯,修改或刪除。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我們期待著(zhù)春天的到來(lái)。