- A processing unit feature that provides four 64 bit floating point registers to perform floating point arithmetic calculations. 一種可提供四個(gè)64位的浮點(diǎn)寄存器來(lái)執行浮點(diǎn)算術(shù)運算的處理機功能部件。
- An auxiliary processor used exclusively for time-consuming tasks ( such as floating point arithmetic ) to free the central processing unit and cause more rapidexecution. In some systems, this type of processor emulates a different computer. 一種輔助處理器,專(zhuān)門(mén)負責處理費時(shí)的任務(wù),如浮點(diǎn)運算,從而把中央處理機解脫出來(lái),獲得更快的執行速度。在某些系統中,這種處理器可以仿真另一臺計算機的功能。
- PFU Packed Floating point arithmetic Unit. This contains arithmetic execution data-path functionality for SIMD-FP specific instructions. 打包的浮點(diǎn)算術(shù)單元。此含有SIMD-FP專(zhuān)門(mén)指令的算術(shù)執行數據路徑功能。
- The MIPS platform does not support the full precision specified by the Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic specification, and can cause unpredictable results. MIPS平臺不支持二進(jìn)制浮點(diǎn)算術(shù)標準規范指定的完全精度,可能會(huì )導致不可預知的結果。
- Floating Point Arithmetic Package 浮動(dòng)點(diǎn)計算包
- extended precision floating point arithmetic 擴充精度浮點(diǎn)運算
- Optimizing Decimal Fixed and Floating Point Arithmetic for Computers 定浮點(diǎn)數據算術(shù)及其優(yōu)化
- IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic by Prof.W.Kahan(PDF): 早期的關(guān)于浮點(diǎn)數的文章,寫(xiě)得非常棒,值得一看。
- Information technology - Language independent arithmetic - Part 3: Complex integer and floating point arithmetic and complex elementary numerical functions 信息技術(shù)。語(yǔ)言獨立計算。第3部分:復合整數和浮點(diǎn)運算及復合基本數字功能
- floating point arithmetic 浮點(diǎn)運算
- The nullability property of arithmetic operators over floating point data type is always nullable. 對浮點(diǎn)數據類(lèi)型執行運算的算術(shù)運算符的為空性屬性始終可為空。
- In analog computer, an arithmetic unit constructed by a servo system. 在模擬計算機中,一種由伺服系統構成的運算部件。
- Note that when an integer and a floating-point number are used as operands to a single arithmetic operation, the result is floating point. 當操作數既有整數又有實(shí)數進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單的算術(shù)運算時(shí),運算結果是實(shí)數類(lèi)型。
- A single-precision floating point number. 單精度浮點(diǎn)數。
- The floating point value NaN is not supported. 不支持浮點(diǎn)值NaN。
- Arithmetic unit That part of the computer which carries out calculations and makes logical decisions. 電腦進(jìn)行計算和邏輯決定的部份。
- As an example we will write a small program to read and evaluate arithmetic expressions consisting of floating point numbers, parentheses and the usual operators for addition, subtraction, and so on. 例如我們要寫(xiě)一個(gè)計算由浮點(diǎn)數、圓括號及一些常用的加、減等算術(shù)符號組成的算術(shù)表達式的程序。
- A counter used in the arithmetical unit to count the steps in multiplication, division, and shift operation. 在運算部件中,對乘、除、移位操作中的操作步進(jìn)行計數所用的一種計數器。
- The double-precision floating point number of the specified field. 指定字段的雙精度浮點(diǎn)數。
- The single-precision floating point number of the specified field. 指定字段的單精度浮點(diǎn)數。