
[fl??]     [fl??]    
  • vt. 投;粗暴地推向 ...;猛沖;激動(dòng)地說(shuō);全身心投入
  • n. 投擲;一時(shí)的行樂(lè );漫不經(jīng)心的一段(嘗試或感情)
  • vi. 急沖;(動(dòng)物)猛跳
flung flung flinging flings



n. (名詞)
  1. 嘗試
  2. 扔,擲,拋,投擲
  3. 揮動(dòng)
  4. 跳,踢
  5. 謾罵,諷刺,嘲弄
  6. 攻擊
  7. 跳舞
  8. 放肆,放縱
  9. 一時(shí)的放縱,一陣盡情歡樂(lè )
  10. 短暫的風(fēng)流韻事
  11. 急沖
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 扔,擲,丟,拋
  2. 急行,沖,猛沖,急沖,直奔,闖
  3. 使突然陷入,使撲,使投身
  4. <書(shū)>發(fā)出
  5. 破口大罵,罵,嘲笑
  6. 摔倒,摔下
  7. 關(guān)進(jìn)
  8. 輕蔑地投射(目光)
  9. 匆忙地穿上(衣服)
  10. 猛烈地開(kāi)(門(mén),窗)
  11. 粗暴地(向某人)說(shuō),氣勢洶洶地(對某人)說(shuō)
  12. 向某人求愛(ài),向(異性)獻殷勤
  13. 投身于
  14. 撲進(jìn),沖出,急伸,猛動(dòng),突然地移動(dòng)
  15. 亂踢,亂沖(常與out連用)
  16. (動(dòng)物)猛跳


v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 拋,扔,丟 throw violently or with force
  2. vt. 急動(dòng) move oneself, one's arms, etc. violently, hurriedly, impulsively or angrily
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]盡情歡樂(lè )的一陣,放縱 an occasion or period of enjoying oneself often with no sense of responsibility


  1. a usually brief attempt;

    "he took a crack at it"
    "I gave it a whirl"

  2. a brief indulgence of your impulses

  3. the act of flinging

  1. throw with force or recklessness;

    "fling the frisbee"

  2. move in an abrupt or headlong manner;

    "He flung himself onto the sofa"

  3. indulge oneself;

    "I splurged on a new TV"

  4. throw or cast away;

    "Put away your worries"



用作及物動(dòng)詞 (vt.)
  1. Boys like to fling stones into water.
  2. She flung the papers on the desk and leave angrily.
  3. She flung herself in front of a car.
  4. You must be certain of your facts before you start flinging accusations (around) (at people).
  5. We will fling all the people into this work.
  6. He flung himself into his work with renewed vigor.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He had his fling before he was drafted.
    他在應征入伍之前盡情行樂(lè )了一番。
  2. Ted had a fling during the summer vacation.
    泰德在暑假里縱情玩樂(lè )了一番。
  3. The young man had a fling at swimming.
  4. We had a brief fling, but it's over now.
用作不及物動(dòng)詞 (vi.)
  1. She flung on her coat and ran to the bus-stop.


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
fling about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    發(fā)號施令; 濫施權力 give unnecessary orders; try to use one's power over other people
fling aside (v.+adv.)
    丟開(kāi),拋開(kāi)(某人或物); 與…斷絕關(guān)系 give up; have nothing more to do with (sb or sth)
fling at (v.+prep.)
    拼命討好某人 force one's attention on sb so as to win his or her love
fling away (v.+adv.)
    漫不經(jīng)心地發(fā)出(話(huà)語(yǔ)) speak (words) carelessly, as by lowering the voice
fling away on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    因嫁娶(不相配的人)而誤了或貶損(某人或自己) waste the worth of (sb or oneself) in a bad relationship, as marriage, with (sb considered unworthy)
fling back (v.+adv.)
    拋回,扔回(某物) return (sth) by throwing
fling down (v.+adv.)
    罷工; 因有不同意見(jiàn)而停止工作 strike; stop working because of disagreement
fling in1 (v.+adv.)
    插(話(huà)) add (words), often as an interruption
fling in2 (v.+prep.)
    因某事而責備某人 blame sb for sth
fling in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    參與(某人)的計劃或企圖 join sb in a plan or attempt
    fling in sth with sb

    It's sad to see that he's flung in his lot with criminals.


fling into (v.+prep.)
    宣布要參加競爭 declare one's intention of taking part in a competition, especially an election
fling off (v.+adv.)
    漫不經(jīng)心地說(shuō)… speak (sth) carelessly
fling on1 (v.+adv.)
    匆匆穿上(衣服) put (clothes) on hurriedly
    fling sth ? on

    We haven't time to change, just fling a coat on over what you're wearing now.


    Fling a dress on and let's go to the party at once.

    快穿上衣服,咱們馬上就去參加晚會(huì )。

fling on2 (v.+prep.)
    聽(tīng)任某人處置; 請求某人寬恕 place one's trust in sb's kindness
fling out (v.+adv.)
    猛踢 kick violently
    fling sth ? out

    The explosion flung out bits of metal in all directions.


    When the train crashed, many passengers were flung out onto the lines.


    fling sth ? out

    I really must fling out all these old newspapers.


    fling out

    She turned and flung out of the room without another word.


    fling sb ? out

    The old lady was flung out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.


    Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed.

    兩名會(huì )員因未能交欠款而被俱樂(lè )部開(kāi)除了。

    fling sth ? out

    At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept.


    fling out

    Suddenly the horse flung out and the rider was thrown to the ground.


fling to (v.+prep.)
    使(某人或自己)迅速躺倒,趴下 cause sb or oneself to lie down quickly
fling together (v.+adv.)
    倉促地建造(某物); 匆匆寫(xiě)出(詩(shī)等) build or write (sth) hastily
fling up (v.+adv.)
    使注意(某事); 提起 bring (sth) to people's attention; mention (sth harmful to sb)
fling up one's hand
    失去一切希望 lose all hopes
fling up one's heels
    疾跑; 歡躍 move quickly; enjoy oneself


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
  • fling at 朝(某人或某物)投擲(某物)
  • fling into 把(某物)隨便扔進(jìn)(某物或某處); 使(某人)掉進(jìn)(水)里或(洞)中; 把(某人)關(guān)進(jìn)(監獄)
  • fling to 把(某物)扔給(某人或某動(dòng)物); 把(某物)扔向(某處)
用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ ~+介詞


  • A fling at the clergy never fails to raise a laugh.

    出自: C. Johnston
  • The Chancellor..flung away in a rage.

    出自: Ld Macaulay
  • He flung back the way he had come.

    出自: S. Middleton
  • Are we to fling off in a new direction?

    出自: V. Woolf





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