- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤頂把他的汽車(chē)頂起以修理漏氣的輪胎。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我買(mǎi)了一間破敗的農舍,打算整修整修。
- We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我們需要有人來(lái)修理錄音機。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一個(gè)當地企業(yè)家的聯(lián)合組織在向這一合同投標。
- Get a hustle on to stockpile these essential material. 趕快把這些重要材料貯放起來(lái)。
- It is impossible for him to get off the contract. 他不可能解除契約對自己的束縛。
- I can fix up you with a used car. 我可以為你提拱一輛舊車(chē)。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這里教一年書(shū)。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我試著(zhù)把那個(gè)日期牢記在心。
- Their acceptance of the contract is still in doubt. 他們是否接受那合同還說(shuō)不準。
- He promised to fix me up with a nice girl. 他答應為我介紹一位妙齡女郎。
- A penalty clause was written into the contract. 在合同中寫(xiě)入了一項罰款條款。
- The neighbourhood pusher got Joe a fix. 鄰里的不法商販給喬打了一針毒品。
- It's clearly a breach of contract. 這顯然是違反了合同。
- It's because I do not like to fix work hour. 這是因為我不喜歡固定的工作時(shí)間。
- I am under contract so I must finish the job. 我有合同在先,所以必須完成這項工作。
- The fence posts were fixed firmly in the ground. 柵欄的立柱牢牢地固定在地上。
- I won't discuss the minutiae of the contract now. 我現在不商談合同的細節。
- We will fix the rent at 100 a week. 我們要把租金定為每周100英鎊。