- But if fiscal support is withdrawn too quickly, the economy could tip back into recession. 但是如果過(guò)快撤回財政支持,那么經(jīng)濟會(huì )掉頭轉向衰退。
- This will be accomplished byenhancing fiscal support to agricultureand narrowing the income gap between rural and urban residents, experts say. 專(zhuān)家指出:這將通過(guò)加強對農業(yè)的財政支持和縮小城市居民和農村居民收入差距來(lái)達到目標。
- Sufficient industry output and the government's fiscal support have laid a solid foundation for winning the battle against SARS. 充足的工業(yè)產(chǎn)出和政府財政政策的有力支持為中國戰勝SARS打下了堅實(shí)的基礎。
- With these dispelled, they now want a government that gives short-term fiscal support to industry but is committed longer-term to reining in the ballooning fiscal deficit. 隨著(zhù)這些擔心煙消云散,他們現在希望政府能為工業(yè)提供短期財政支持,但長(cháng)期內能致力于抑制財政赤字的不斷增加。
- Encouragement Theory holds that the monopoly right awarded by patents is to encourage invention activities and economic stimulus of necessary fiscal support. 激勵論認為,通過(guò)專(zhuān)利而授予的壟斷權,是鼓勵發(fā)明活動(dòng)和財政支持的必要的經(jīng)濟刺激;
- Each support policy is specifically the Taiwan mechanization of agriculture obtains the success with the necessary measure the important guarantee. 各項扶持政策與具體配套措施是臺灣農業(yè)機械化取得成功的重要保證。
- The government's propaganda officials routinely order the media to run articles and reports that support policy initiatives. 中國政府宣傳官員通常會(huì )命令媒體刊登支持政策舉措的文章和報道。
- On the Relationship between Rural Policy Finance and Fiscal Support 農村政策性金融與財政支農關(guān)系
- For the details about Microsoft product support time frames, see the Microsoft Support Life-Cycle Support Policy FAQ page on the Microsoft Help and Support site. 有關(guān)Microsoft產(chǎn)品支持時(shí)間范圍的詳細信息,請參見(jiàn)Microsoft幫助和支持站點(diǎn)中的Microsoft支持生命周期支持策略常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題頁(yè)面。
- The document makes clear that the focus of infrastructure investment shouldshift from cities to the countryside. Fiscal support in rural areas should be expanded and funding for agriculture steadily increased. 文件解釋到:基礎投資的關(guān)鍵應該從城市轉移至農村,擴大對農村的財政支持和持續增加農業(yè)投資。
- The investors are now asking for a government support policy, to permit the extension of the toll period to recoup the additional further necessary expenditure. 另外,由于投資增加等原因,投資方提出給予政策扶持、延長(cháng)收費期限等請求。
- Consequently, rapid growth and development in China cannot be sustained unless there continues to be strong fiscal support or increased government interference in business decisions. 所以,除非有強勢的財政支撐,或者政府加大對商業(yè)決策的干預,中國的快速增長(cháng)和發(fā)展是無(wú)法持續下去的。
- This by no means nonsensical talk, country to grow strong this has the proprietary intellectual property rights standard, gives inevitably moves the corresponding support policy. 這并非無(wú)稽之談,國家為了發(fā)展壯大這一具有自主知識產(chǎn)權的標準,必然給予中移動(dòng)相應的扶持政策。
- Studies have been carried out to explore feasible fiscal and tax supporting policies for industrial restructuring and rejuvenating. 研究實(shí)行產(chǎn)業(yè)調整與振興規劃財稅扶持政策。
- Therefore, an effective measure to evaluate the effects of TDM policies is urgently needed to support policy decision. 因此,在政策決策中迫切需要有一個(gè)有效的TDM政策實(shí)施效果的評價(jià)方法。
- For details about the Microsoft support policy for third-party virtualization software, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 897615, Support policy for Microsoft software running in non-Microsoft hardware virtualization software. 有關(guān)Microsoft對第三方虛擬軟件的支持策略的詳細信息,請參閱Microsoft知識庫文章897615在非Microsoft硬件虛擬化軟件中運行的Microsoft軟件的支持策略。
- Fiscal support about agriculture 財政支農
- In the early period of the policy enforcement, the CAP played a positive role to change the situation of agricultural supply shortage in EU by taking interior price support policy. 在政策實(shí)施初期,共同農業(yè)政策對于改變歐盟內部農產(chǎn)品供給短缺的狀況起到了積極了作用,通過(guò)采取內部?jì)r(jià)格支持政策,使歐盟從農產(chǎn)品凈進(jìn)口國變成了農產(chǎn)品出口國。
- structure of fiscal support for agriculture 財政支農結構
- Other crosscutting themes include improving governance for a market economy, expanding private sector operations, and supporting policy and institutional reforms. 另一個(gè)明確的主題包括加強市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟的管理,擴展私有企業(yè)的運作,支持政策和制度的改革。