- Do these fiscal reserves yield any income? 財政儲備是否有收益?
- How are the fiscal reserves accumulated? 如何累積財政儲備?
- What are the purposes of fiscal reserves? 財政儲備有甚么用途?
- In simple terms, the fiscal reserves serve three purposes. 簡(jiǎn)單來(lái)說(shuō),財政儲備有三個(gè)用途。
- What is the amount of fiscal reserves currently held by the HKSAR Government? 香港特區政府現時(shí)擁有多少財政儲備?
- Our high foreign exchange reserves and fiscal reserves will provide an anchor for our future economic development. 本港龐大的外匯儲備和財政儲備,為未來(lái)的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展提供了強大基礎。
- Year after year,since the linked exchange rate was established,our fiscal reserves every year average about 2% of GDP. 自從港元與美元掛鉤后,我們的財政儲備平均每年維持于本地生產(chǎn)總值的百分之二左右。
- Whenever we have achieved a budget surplus for a financial year, the surplus amount will be saved as fiscal reserves. 某一財政年度財政預算有盈馀時(shí),盈馀將會(huì )撥作財政儲備。
- The new arrangement makes the estimated investment income of the fiscal reserves more stable and helps with budgeting. 新安排使財政儲備的估計投資收入更為穩定,并有助編制財政預算案。
- Maintain adequate fiscal reserves to provide a cushion against future uncertainties. 維持充裕的財政儲備,以提供保障,應付不時(shí)之需。
- How the investment return for the fiscal reserves is accounted for is a matter for the Treasury. 財政年度的上半年。財政儲備的投資回報如何入帳,純屬庫房本身的決定。
- Yes, the fiscal reserves are placed within the Exchange Fund and share the investment return made by the Fund. 有。財政儲備存放于外匯基金,從而可分享外匯基金所賺取的投資回報。
- With effect from April 1,1998,the return on the fiscal reserves placed with the Exchange Fund is linked to its overall return. 由一九九八年四月一日起,存放于外匯基金的財政儲備的回報與外匯基金的整體回報掛鉤。
- In 1976,the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund. 由一九七六年起,政府把一般收入賬目中的財政儲備(營(yíng)運資金除外)轉撥外匯基金。
- Through this transfer of the fiscal reserves,the bulk of the government's financial assets are,therefore,placed with the fund. 透過(guò)財政儲備調撥,政府大部分的金融資產(chǎn)均存放于外匯基金。
- We have today over US$85 billion in foreign exchange reserves,of which about US$50 billion constitutes fiscal reserves,with no external debt. 今日,香港的外匯儲備高達八百五十多億美元,其中約五百億美元是財政儲備,而我們亦沒(méi)有外債。
- To revise the income-sharing arrangement between the fiscal reserves and the Exchange Fund to increase our investment income and enhance its stability. 修改財政儲備與外匯基金的分帳安排,以提高政府投資收入和增加其穩定性。
- In view of this, I set the target level of fiscal reserves at an amount equivalent to about 12 months of government expenditure. 因此,我把財政儲備的目標水平定為相等于約12個(gè)月的政府開(kāi)支總額。
- The current fiscal reserves have exceeded this level. However, opinions are divided over whether this target should be maintained. 現在財政儲備已超越這個(gè)水平,但應否繼續維持這目標水平,不同人有不同意見(jiàn)。
- So, regrettably, the impressive investment return for the fiscal reserves for the financial year 1999-2000 is likely to be pared down somewhat. 因此,很抱歉,1999至2000財政年度財政儲備錄得的巨額投資回報,可能會(huì )略為減少。