- He became a wealthy businessman, and was an idealist.He described a fictional account of life in his ideal world. 他利用自己的高智商成為了富翁,并且還是一個(gè)理想主義者,總是活在自己所描繪的虛擬世界中。
- It is a fictional account of how a cleveraccomplished thief, posing as an accountant, gain access of the computer of a large bank. 其內容實(shí)屬虛構,講述一個(gè)聰明又老練的小偷如何假扮一名會(huì )計、進(jìn)入一家大銀行計算機系統的故事。
- It is a fictional account of how a clever and accomplished thief, posing as an accountant, gain access of the computer of a large bank. 其內容實(shí)屬虛構,講述一個(gè)聰明又老練的小偷如何假扮一名會(huì )計、進(jìn)入一家大銀行計算機系統的故事。
- He embellished his account with fictional details. 他以種種虛構的細節來(lái)渲染他的敘述。
- a fictional account of life on a desert island 對荒島生活的虛構描述
- A fictional account of life on a farm 描述農場(chǎng)生活的虛構情節
- His account of the crime was a complete fiction. 他所講述的那種罪刑完全是虛構的。
- Tom Sharpe is also a Cambridge-based author who has written fictional accounts of teaching at Cambridge Technical College (now Anglia Ruskin University) and of Cambridge college life. 在1850年代大量出版圣經(jīng)的所得,甚至成為該社的主要收入來(lái)源,而所出版的圣經(jīng)版本也達百馀種。
- This suspense thriller is the first fictionalized account of the real-life events. 在華雷斯市,一位女警調查女工被殘忍謀殺的案件。
- The newspaper's account of what happened was a complete fiction. 報紙對所發(fā)生事情的報導完全是捏造的。
- A fictionalized account of the life of the biblical figure Jonathan and his friendship with David also includes a Bible study. 圖書(shū)性質(zhì):全價(jià)/非現貨圖書(shū)(想了解什么是非現貨圖書(shū),請點(diǎn)擊這里)
- The novel is a fictionalized account of the legends around the Buddhist monk Tang Sanzhuang's pilgrimage to India during the Tang dynasty in order to obtain Buddhist scriptures. 這部小說(shuō)是關(guān)于唐朝佛教和尚唐三藏去印度朝圣以取得佛教經(jīng)文的虛構故事。
- David has a somewhat troubled past, and is primarily notable for producing a largely fictionalized account of the limited time he spent as a remote viewer called Psychic Warrior. 大衛稍微有些不平靜的過(guò)去,起初把有限的時(shí)間編成了大量的小說(shuō)而得到注意,他作為一位遙視的透視者而用盡全力,稱(chēng)之為“精神戰士”。
- Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience. 小說(shuō)中的事遠遜于實(shí)際體驗。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 無(wú)論如何不要放棄這些股票。
- I prefer non-fiction to fiction. 我喜歡散文類(lèi)的作品,不喜歡小說(shuō)類(lèi)的。
- In fiction behaviour should proceed from character. 在小說(shuō)中人物的行為應該切合人物的性格。
- Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction. 現實(shí)生活有時(shí)比小說(shuō)還離奇。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如實(shí)地講述了發(fā)生的事情。
- Hemingway and Steinbeck were masters of fiction. 海明威和斯坦貝克是小說(shuō)大師。