- Then they smashed the shackles of the feudal serf system and took their destiny in their own hands. 之后,他們砸爛了封建農奴制的枷鎖,把命運掌握到自己手中。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. 在舊西藏,政教合一的封建農奴制度嚴重束縛了社會(huì )生產(chǎn)力的發(fā)展,西藏的經(jīng)濟長(cháng)期處于極其原始、落后的狀態(tài)。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. Therefore,for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. 在舊西藏,政教合一的封建農奴制度嚴重束縛了社會(huì )生產(chǎn)力的發(fā)展,西藏的經(jīng)濟長(cháng)期處于極其原始、落后的狀態(tài)。
- Because of its high altitude,poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past,Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally,so the state has given special care to Tibet's development. 由于西藏位于高寒地區,自然條件惡劣,歷史上曾長(cháng)期遭受封建農奴制的黑暗統治,經(jīng)濟文化較為落后,國家對西藏的發(fā)展給予特別照顧。
- Because of its high altitude, poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past, Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally, so the state has given special care to Tibet's development. 由于西藏位于高寒地區,自然條件惡劣,歷史上曾長(cháng)期遭受封建農奴制的黑暗統治,經(jīng)濟文化較為落后,國家對西藏的發(fā)展給予特別照顧。
- China's Tibet, with its peaceful liberation in 1951 as the starting point, has carried out regional ethnic autonomy and made a historical leap in its social system following the Democratic Reform in 1959 and the elimination of the feudal serf system. 中國西藏也以和平解放為起點(diǎn),經(jīng)過(guò)民主改革,廢除了封建農奴制度,實(shí)行了民族區域自治制度,實(shí)現了社會(huì )制度的歷史性跨越;
- However, the people there had never escaped the shadow of misery until 1951 when PLA liberated Tibet and put the inhumane feudal serf system to an end, making Tibet an indispensable part of China. 然而,西藏人民卻承載了太多的苦難和折磨,直到1951年才真正過(guò)上了幸福的生活。那一年,中國人民解放軍廢除沿襲了千余年的農奴制,解放西藏,使之成為中華版圖上不可分割的一部分。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. Therefore, for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. 在舊西藏,政教合一的封建農奴制度嚴重束縛了社會(huì )生產(chǎn)力的發(fā)展,西藏的經(jīng)濟長(cháng)期處于極其原始、落后的狀態(tài)。
- However, some people in the Tibetan ruling group were totally opposed to reform and raised a hue and cry about their determination never to carry it out, in order to perpetuate the feudal serf system. 但是,當時(shí)西藏上層統治集團中的一些人從根本上反對改革,叫囂“長(cháng)期不改,永遠不改 ”,試圖永遠保持封建農奴制度。
- economy of feudalistic serf system 封建農奴制經(jīng)濟
- The Democratic Reform and Abolishment of the Feudal Serf System of the Uygurs in Xinjiang 新疆民主改革與維吾爾族封建農奴制度的廢除
- The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments. 農奴主以野蠻、殘酷的刑罰維護封建農奴制度。
- In Tibet, there was for a long time a brutal theocratic system that combined Tibetan Buddhism with a feudal serfdom. 在西藏,藏傳佛教與封建農奴制結合形成的政教合一制度,殘酷野蠻。
- Tibet later became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, and ruled by a few upper-class monks and nobles. 由于歷史的原因,西藏后來(lái)發(fā)展成為一個(gè)極少數上層僧侶貴族掌權的政教合一的封建農奴制的地方政權,使得藏傳佛教文化在一個(gè)較長(cháng)的時(shí)期內處于西藏文化的主導地位。
- Tibet later became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy,and ruled by a few upper-class monks and nobles. 由于歷史的原因,西藏后來(lái)發(fā)展成為一個(gè)極少數上層僧侶貴族掌權的政教合一的封建農奴制的地方政權,使得藏傳佛教文化在一個(gè)較長(cháng)的時(shí)期內處于西藏文化的主導地位。
- Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom, Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles. 面對封建農奴制度的殘酷統治,西藏勞動(dòng)人民從未停止過(guò)反抗斗爭。
- The society of old Tibet under feudal serfdom was even more dark and backward than in Europe in the Middle Ages. 舊西藏的封建農奴制社會(huì )比歐洲中世紀還要黑暗、落后。
- Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom,Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles. 面對封建農奴制度的殘酷統治,西藏勞動(dòng)人民從未停止過(guò)反抗斗爭。
- On the Relation between the Feudal Serfdom and the Migration of the Village Labors in the Medieval England. 封建農奴制與英格蘭中古時(shí)期農村勞動(dòng)力轉移
- China says it peacefully liberated Tibet and saved its people from feudal serfdom. 中國政府表示,政府和平解放了西藏地區,將西藏人民從舊封建農奴制中解救出來(lái)。