- Discount Window The location at the Federal Reserve where financial institutions go to borrow money at the discount rate. 金融機構以貼現率向聯(lián)邦儲備銀行借貸的地點(diǎn)。
- Separately, the Federal Reserve said Fannie and Freddie could get financing at its discount window, a privilege previously available only to banks. 而撇開(kāi)這不談,美聯(lián)儲表示,二房可以從其貼現窗口融資,而這在以前只是銀行的特權。
- The enlarged Discount Window and the term repo facility offered by the HKMA during the Year 2000 critical periods were not invoked. 金管局在電腦公元二千年數位問(wèn)題關(guān)鍵日子作出的安排,即擴大貼現窗操作并推出定期回購協(xié)議機制,均未采用。
- The enlarged Discount Window was available from November 15,1999,and would be available until January 31,2000. 由一九九九年十一月十五日至二零零零年一月三十一日,金管局擴大貼現窗的操作,暫時(shí)撤銷(xiāo)現時(shí)對貼現窗的若干限制,以及接受更多債務(wù)證券為合資格抵押品,使持牌銀行可透過(guò)貼現窗獲取更多港元流動(dòng)資金。
- The decline in interbank liquidity was buffered in part by Discount Window activities and a moderate rise in interbank interest rates. 貼現窗的運作和銀行同業(yè)拆息輕微上升,抵銷(xiāo)了部分銀行同業(yè)流動(dòng)資金減少所造成的影響。
- This measure is to ensure that the repo of Exchange Fund paper through the Discount Window does not involve any departure from the discipline of the currency board system. 這項措施是要確保以外匯基金票據及債券在貼現窗進(jìn)行的回購協(xié)議交易,不會(huì )偏離貨幣發(fā)行局制度的規則。
- No new issues of paper other than Exchange Fund paper will be accepted at the Discount Window. 貼現窗將不會(huì )接受外匯基金債券票據以外的新發(fā)行債券。
- The enlarged Discount Window was available from November 15, 1999, and would be available until January 31, 2000. 由一九九九年十一月十五日至二零零零年一月三十一日,金管局擴大貼現窗的操作,暫時(shí)撤銷(xiāo)現時(shí)對貼現窗的若干限制,以及接受更多債務(wù)證券為合資格抵押品,使持牌銀行可透過(guò)貼現窗獲取更多港元流動(dòng)資金。
- Lacker said.However, 'if liquidity was the problem, we would have seen more use of the discount window. 不過(guò),如果存在流動(dòng)性問(wèn)題,我們會(huì )更多地使用貼現窗。
- The absurdity of this situation was highlighted by the way the discount window works. 美聯(lián)儲貼現窗口的運作模式使得現在的情況顯得尤其荒誕。
- The traditional opinion of borrowing from the socalled discount window was that it represented a sign of weakness. 傳統的觀(guān)念認為,從貼現窗貸款意味著(zhù)經(jīng)濟的衰弱。
- Intraday repo that fails to be reversed before the close of the business day will be carried into overnight borrowing through the Discount Window. 在辦公時(shí)間結束前未能贖回抵押品的即日回購協(xié)議,將會(huì )轉為透過(guò)貼現窗獲取的隔夜借款。
- A licensed bank will be restricted access to the Discount Window if there is reason to believe that it has been engaging in such activity. 如果當局有理由相信某家持牌銀行曾經(jīng)從事這類(lèi)活動(dòng),該持牌銀行將被限制使用貼現窗。
- Mr Yam said that the discount window loans may be lower than the Hong Kong interbank interest rates, but he did not through a specific interest rate. 任志剛表示,貼現窗口貸款的利息可能低于香港銀行同業(yè)拆息水平,但他并未透具體利率。
- America's once was, too, and the Fed's tools reflect that: it can ordinarily lend only to banks from its discount window. 美國經(jīng)濟也曾是,美聯(lián)儲的工具反映了這點(diǎn):它一般都可以只通過(guò)其貼現窗口向銀行放貸。
- To eliminate the possibility of any misunderstanding, I have also determined that the government bonds will not be eligible for access to the Discount Window. 為了防止任何可能產(chǎn)生誤解的情況出現,我亦決定政府債券不得用作貼現窗交易的抵押品。
- This function is to be distinguished from the provision of intra-day liquidity under the Real Time Gross Settlement System and overnight liquidity through the Discount Window. 這項職能與金管局在即時(shí)支付結算系統下提供即日流動(dòng)資金,以及透過(guò)貼現窗提供隔夜流動(dòng)資金并不相同。
- Two major planks of the technical measures are the provision of a Convertibility Undertaking in respect of the Aggregate Balance and modifications to the Discount Window facility. 技術(shù)性措施的兩個(gè)主要范疇是提供總結馀兌換保證,以及修訂貼現窗機制。
- This is to ensure that the repo of Exchange Fund paper through the Discount Window does not involve any departure from the discipline of the Currency Board system. 此舉是確保銀行利用外匯基金債券票據作為抵押品,經(jīng)貼現窗進(jìn)行的回購協(xié)議不會(huì )違反貨幣發(fā)行局制度的嚴格原則。
- Hence in 1998 we included Exchange Fund paper as part of the Monetary Base and made it transferable into the Aggregate Balance through the Discount Window. 正是基于這個(gè)原因,我們在1998年將外匯基金票據及債券列為貨幣基礎的一部分,透過(guò)貼現窗使之能轉移至總結馀。