- fat cell weight 脂肪細胞重量
- But Spalding says the fact that the body keeps up the fat cell production even during weight loss could be one reason why people find it hard to keep off any weight they lose. 術(shù)后體重的降低是由于他們的脂肪細胞收縮,但是細胞的總量維持不變。這指示即使人吃的更少,他們的體內仍然繼續產(chǎn)生新的脂肪細胞來(lái)保證數量水平不變。
- Fat cells developing in areolar connective tissue. 疏松結締組織中,幾個(gè)脂肪細胞。
- A benign tumor composed chiefly of fat cells. 脂肪瘤主要由脂肪細胞構成的良性瘤
- Adipose tissue aggregate of fat cells. 脂肪組織有大量的脂肪細胞聚集而成。
- Grain qualities significantly correlated with ECs, but not significantly correlated with single endosperm cell weight. 上述主要米質(zhì)性狀與胚乳細胞數密切相關(guān),而與單個(gè)胚乳細胞重相關(guān)不顯著(zhù)。
- Experiment observed the effect in taking food, water, form of fat cell, NPY, Leptin, INS, and NPYmRNA. 實(shí)驗觀(guān)察了針刺對各實(shí)驗組大鼠飲水量及攝食量、肥胖指標、脂肪細胞形態(tài)、大鼠神經(jīng)肽Y(NPY)、瘦素(Leptin)、胰島素(Ins)及神經(jīng)肽Y基因表達(NPYmRNA)的影響。
- The fat cells in the upper body, where men tend to carry extra weight, are more prone to releasing fat. 男性的上半身,雖然容易增加額外體重,但傾向于釋放脂肪。
- The researchers also monitored fat cell numbers in 20 people who underwent gastric bypass operations. 研究者也監視了20位進(jìn)行了胃旁手術(shù)的人的脂肪細胞數目。
- A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of colon cancer in some people. 一項新的研究已經(jīng)發(fā)現一個(gè)脂肪細胞基因可以降低某些人得結腸癌的風(fēng)險。
- A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of conlon colon cancer in some people. 一項新的研究表明一種脂肪細胞基因可能可以減小某些人 體內的結腸癌發(fā)病幾率。
- How the body regulates the turnover of fat cells remains unknown. 人體如何調節脂肪細胞的周轉現在還不清楚。
- The fat cells in the hips, thighs, butt and abs will enlarge first. 男性的上半身,雖然容易增加額外體重,但傾向于釋放脂肪。
- Those fat cells are essentially just storage sinks for calories. 這些皮下脂肪細胞只是存儲卡路里的容器。
- "Their fat cells were larger, which might make them more prone to obesity and might make it harder for them to lose weight," Bayol says. “牠們的脂肪細胞較大,這可能使牠們更容易肥胖,并且可能使得更難以為牠們減肥,”貝約爾說(shuō)。
- The end result: more, fatter fat cells. 最終的結果是:更多的,更胖的脂肪細胞。
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子經(jīng)這胖人一坐便壓彎了。
- They show that when a fat cell receives too many nutrients, the ER is overwhelmed and triggers a process called the unfolded protein response (UPR). 他們指出,當脂肪細胞吸收了過(guò)多的營(yíng)養物時(shí),ER就會(huì )過(guò)載,并會(huì )觸發(fā)一種名為未折疊蛋白質(zhì)反應(UPR)的過(guò)程。
- The study provides what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and colen colon cancer. 這項研究支持了科學(xué)家們提出的肥胖基因與結腸癌之間有基因連帶關(guān)系的最初觀(guān)點(diǎn)。
- The study provides what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and a conlon colon cancer. 這如科學(xué)家所說(shuō)的,這項研究首次提出了證據證實(shí)脂肪細胞基因和結腸癌之間存在的遺傳相關(guān)性。