- The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash. 法西斯專(zhuān)政的垮臺引起左翼運動(dòng)的高漲。
- What they really want is a one-party fascist dictatorship. 他們實(shí)際上要的是法西斯主義的一黨專(zhuān)政。
- They succeeded in overthrowing the fascist dictatorship. 他們成功推翻了法西斯獨裁統治。
- Does this man look like he's ceding czechoslovakia to a fascist dictatorship? 這男人的樣子像是會(huì )把捷克割讓給法西斯的人嗎?
- The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash . 法西斯專(zhuān)政的垮臺引起左翼運動(dòng)的高漲.
- Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, while boosting their so-called "all-round dictatorship", exercised a feudal fascist dictatorship over the people. 林彪、“四人幫”宣傳什么“全面專(zhuān)政”,對人民實(shí)行封建法西斯專(zhuān)政,我們已徹底粉碎了這個(gè)專(zhuān)政。
- That being so, wherein does “the democratic dictatorship” differ from ... the fascist dictatorship? 那么,“民主專(zhuān)政”與“法西斯專(zhuān)政”之間的差別又在哪里呢?
- "Our government is a fascist dictatorship," a minister would remark to a foreign correspondent. 一位部長(cháng)可以對外國記者說(shuō):“我們的政府是一個(gè)法西斯獨裁政權?!?/li>
- Lin Biao and the Gang of Four,while boosting their so-called "all-round dictatorship",exercised a feudal fascist dictatorship over the people. 林彪、“四人幫”宣傳什么“全面專(zhuān)政”,對人民實(shí)行封建法西斯專(zhuān)政,我們已徹底粉碎了這個(gè)專(zhuān)政。
- Advice to all western governments, have high tariffs with this fascist dictatorship and force all these traitor companies which invest in it to get out. 告訴所有西方政府對這個(gè)法西斯政權設立高關(guān)稅,強迫所有叛國公司從那兒撤出來(lái)。
- The second, demagogic deception for the purpose of gaining time while clinging to fascist dictatorship and actively conducting secret preparations for civil war, likewise offers no salvation for Mr. Chiang and the Kuomintang. 第二個(gè),以空言騙人,把時(shí)間拖下去,而暗中念念不忘法西斯獨裁和積極準備內戰的方向,對蔣先生和國民黨也不是生路。
- The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body. 那個(gè)法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身體。
- They can now establish outright dictatorship. 他們現在可以建立起徹頭徹尾的獨裁制度了。
- He ate up Nietzsche and degenerated into a fascist. 他接受了尼采的思想,墮落成法西斯分子。
- I suspect he's a closet fascist. 我懷疑他是地下法西斯分子。
- The country was then living under a military dictatorship. 那個(gè)國家當時(shí)正處在軍事獨裁統治之下。
- That country is now living under a military dictatorship. 那個(gè)國家現在正處于軍事獨裁統治之下。
- The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism. 無(wú)產(chǎn)階級專(zhuān)政是共產(chǎn)主義的目標之一。
- The Fascist bandits did him in with gas. 法西斯匪徒用煤氣把他殺害了。
- The strikers were roughed up by the fascist cops. 罷工工人遭到法西斯警察的毆打。