- She was disemployed for making false account. 她因做假帳而被解雇。
- She is faired for making false account. 她因做假帳而被解雇。
- Strategic information promotion center and psywar staff fabricate false news that Chinese troops are defeated at News Broadcasting(NB) at 7 o'clock in the evening of CCTV. 我們的戰略情報影響中心和心理戰部隊偽造了中央電視臺晚上七點(diǎn)的新聞聯(lián)播,試圖讓北京的市民相信他們已經(jīng)戰敗,然而結果適得其反,他們作戰的信心更加強了??!
- Currently four global accounting firms Ernst &Young, one of a partner arrested for false accounting, have also been arrested by the ICAC in Hong Kong. 目前全球四大會(huì )計師事務(wù)所之一的安永會(huì )計師事務(wù)所的一位合伙人因涉嫌造假帳,也已被香港廉政公署拘捕。
- How to Prevent False Accounts by Big Companies in Effect? 如何有效防治大公司做假帳?
- He would rather lose his job than make false accounts. 他寧愿失去工作,也不愿做假賬。
- There are three types of false accounting information called governing, competitive and interfering false information in the stock market. 摘要上市公司會(huì )計信息失真可分為治理性失真、競爭性失真和干預性失真三大類(lèi)。
- Roma President Franco Sensi (pictured) and former Lazio chief Sergio Cragnotti are under investigation for alleged false accounting. 羅馬主席森西、老克拉尼奧蒂正接受所謂的不明帳務(wù)調查。
- Financial fraud is a conscious misstatements or omissions of accounting information, forgery of false accounting surplus acts. 財務(wù)舞弊是企業(yè)有意識地錯報或漏報會(huì )計信息,偽造盈余的會(huì )計造假行為.
- Furthermore, the false accounting enable illegal firms or individuals to corrupt and take bribes, evade paying taxes, and defalcate. 貪污受賄、偷稅漏稅、挪用公款等經(jīng)濟違法犯罪活動(dòng),以及大量腐敗現象,幾乎都與財會(huì )人員做假賬分不開(kāi)。
- The constant occurrence of false accounting information cases dampens the stock market.It is of practical significance to exam the underlying causes. 會(huì )計信息造假案此起彼伏,股市人氣渙散,探索造假的根源有著(zhù)重要的現實(shí)意義。
- The fact that listed corporations make false account has become a malignant tumor, which endangers market economy order seriously . 上市公司造假賬的問(wèn)題已經(jīng)成為嚴重危害市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟秩序的一個(gè)“毒瘤”。
- In answer to the next question, how the battles of Borodino and Shevardino came to be fought, we have also a very definite, well-known, and utterly false account. 關(guān)于另外一個(gè)問(wèn)題:波羅底諾戰役以及在這之前的舍瓦爾金諾戰役是怎樣打起來(lái)的,也存在一個(gè)極為明顯、眾所周知、完全錯誤的概念。
- Making arbitrary adjustment on the methods of calculation or distribution of profits, fabricating false profits or concealing profits. 隨意調整利潤的計算、分配方法,編造虛假利潤或者隱瞞利潤;
- Based on a diachronic study of history and a synchronic analysis of research on modem regulatory practice, this paper advances the concept of overall regulation with a view to eradicating false accounting practice. 鑒于此,本文在回顧會(huì )計發(fā)展歷程的基礎上,借鑒現代治理理論的研究成果,提出會(huì )計的全面治理理念,以期達到根治會(huì )計造假的目的。
- With the uninterrupted development of the socialist market economy, there are many phenomena such as mendacious accounting information and false account in the accounting practice. 在我國從計劃經(jīng)濟向市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟轉軌過(guò)程中 ,會(huì )計工作領(lǐng)域出現了假賬泛濫、會(huì )計信息失真等諸多問(wèn)題 ,不僅影響了會(huì )計資料的可信度 ,更嚴重危害了社會(huì )經(jīng)濟秩序。
- Of the group's 12 MEPs elected at the last Euro-election, one was subsequently jailed for fraud and another has been charged with false accounting and money laundering (which he denies). 歐洲選舉最終選出的12名議員中,有一人隨后被判詐騙入獄,還有一人被指控作假帳和洗錢(qián)(但他否認這些指控)。
- Both clubs have been accused of false accounting in order for them to register for the 2004-05 season and Palazzi decided to hand the case to the disciplinary commission after completing his enquiry. 兩家俱樂(lè )部都被指控提交虛假報表以通過(guò)04-05賽際的資格審查。帕拉齊決定在調查完成后將這次事件提交到紀律委員會(huì )。
- His dress is made of a wash and wear fabric. 他的衣服是用洗后不用燙的纖維衣料做的。
- The intentions of fabricating false information:seeking private\selfish interest,deceiving inverstors,defrauding loan,coping with achievement assessment, avoiding or refusing to hand in taxes. 故意制造虛假會(huì )計信息的動(dòng)機有:謀私利,欺騙投資者,騙取貸款,應付業(yè)績(jì)考核,逃稅避稅等。