- It is manufactured in standard strength and extra strength grades. 它以標準長(cháng)度和和額外加長(cháng)等級制造。
- The frames are metaled and lacquered to give extra strength as well as burnish. 由于現場(chǎng)隔著(zhù)一層玻璃,拍起來(lái)本尊沒(méi)辦法看得很清楚。
- Rogaine For Men Extra Strength has been proven to regrow hair or stop hair loss when used as directed. 特強男士專(zhuān)用落建已被證明在指導下使用對頭發(fā)再生或阻止頭發(fā)進(jìn)一步脫落有效。
- This particular stainless steel structure provides extra strength and elasticity. 特種不銹鋼骨架,強度高,彈性好。
- Rogaine for Men Extra Strength, available since 1997, is a 5% minoxidil topical solution. 1997年起可購買(mǎi)的特強男士專(zhuān)用落建是5%25的米諾地爾溶液。
- Glucosamine Chondroitin Extra Strength provides important building blocks for healthy joints and connective tissues. 氨基葡萄糖軟骨素為 健康聯(lián)接和結締組織提供重要再建造。
- We took photos at the pass .everybody sat on the ground,there was no extra strength to stand. 而今身在昆侖山口時(shí),胸中滿(mǎn)腔的豪情,腦中也是滿(mǎn)腦的高原反應。
- The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength. 灶臺用瓷磚構造成玻璃狀增機了額外的力量。
- The hemicelluloses and pectic substances interact with the cellulose microfibrils of the cell wall to give extra strength and at the same time retain some plasticity. 半纖維素和果膠質(zhì)與細胞壁中的纖維素微纖絲相結合,這樣就具有了較大的強度同時(shí)還可以保持一定的可塑性。
- If one of the ingredients on the recipe was Captain Blackheart's Whiskey, she will also give you a bottle of Grizelda's Extra Strength Hangover Cure. 如果起初的藥方上有黑心船長(cháng)的威士忌,她還會(huì )給你一瓶格氏強力藥酒。
- The aluminium TVP chassis plates have extra strength in critical areas, and the motor plate is now thicker, using 2.5mm 7075 aircraft quality alloy. 鋁許可證底盤(pán)板有額外的力量,在關(guān)鍵領(lǐng)域,以及汽車(chē)板是現在較厚,使用2.;5毫米7075飛機質(zhì)量合金。
- Should be tear &puncture resistant: bubble-lined bags laminated to paper for extra strength and protecting against shocks. (信封封套)應耐撕裂,抗穿刺:氣泡牛皮紙信封應為層合結構,具有高韌性和抗震功能。
- One serving per day helps maintain healthy intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system. Use extra strength amount to relieve symptoms associated with occasional diarrhea. 每天服用一次就能保持腸道內健康菌群,加強免疫系統,加強劑量能緩解偶爾產(chǎn)生的腹瀉或痢疾的癥狀。
- Kitchen Wipes 30pcs Anti Bacterial Extra strength Attracts and holds dust Cleans and shines Without smearing Are the quick and easy wey to clean and protect your kitchen. 廚房清潔濕巾30片裝 除菌 韌性超強 吸附灰塵 清潔除垢不留痕跡 您想省時(shí)省力清潔您的廚房嘛?廚房清潔濕巾采用特別配方并含有清潔劑,有效去除廚房油垢及清潔玻璃。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 臨危不懼是他的看家本領(lǐng)。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的額外收入可備我不時(shí)之需。
- This extra strong glue should do the job nicely. 這種超強度膠應該管用。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她為獲得額外收入決定租出一個(gè)房間。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她總是把額外責任加到我身上。
- The brackets want an extra screw. 托架需要再加一個(gè)螺釘。