- Dan Zi exterior line can generate actinic aerosol. 因此對其很容易忽視,但由于長(cháng)期積累,對皮膚造成的傷害最大。
- Its exterior line is fluent and concise, the surface is titanium argent, colour is full, bright and clean had spent, have a metal to feel character. 它的外觀(guān)線(xiàn)條流暢簡(jiǎn)潔,表面為鈦銀色,色彩飽滿(mǎn),光潔度好,具有金屬質(zhì)感。
- Third, its purpose is to reverse the situation with regard to interior and exterior lines. 第三,是為了改變內外線(xiàn)的形勢。
- This is the right moment for us to carry the war to exterior lines; otherwise, we shall suffer setbacks. 這時(shí)時(shí)機成熟了,就應該轉到外線(xiàn),否則就要吃虧。
- Third,its purpose is to reverse the situation with regard to interior and exterior lines. 第三,是為了改變內外線(xiàn)的形勢。
- This is the right moment for us to carry the war to exterior lines; otherwise,we shall suffer setbacks. 這時(shí)時(shí)機成熟了,就應該轉到外線(xiàn),否則就要吃虧。
- Ouick decision refers to the tempo of an offensive,and exterior lines refer to its scope. 速決是說(shuō)的進(jìn)攻的時(shí)間,外線(xiàn)是說(shuō)的進(jìn)攻的范圍。
- Ouick decision refers to the tempo of an offensive, and exterior lines refer to its scope. 速決是說(shuō)的進(jìn)攻的時(shí)間,外線(xiàn)是說(shuō)的進(jìn)攻的范圍。
- Its exterior lines echo the timeless styling of the great Rolls-Royce cars: a long bonnet, large-diameter wheels, short front and long rear overhangs and the quintessential dynamic line descending along its flanks. 該車(chē)的外形線(xiàn)條顯示了久負盛名的勞斯萊斯汽車(chē)的一貫風(fēng)格:長(cháng)引擎蓋、尺寸車(chē)輪、懸短而后懸長(cháng),經(jīng)典的動(dòng)感線(xiàn)條沿側翼向下延伸。
- And for us,interior lines and the defensive in strategic operations will be transformed into exterior lines and the offensive in campaigns and battles. 我之戰略作戰上的內線(xiàn)和防御,在戰役和戰斗的作戰上就變成了外線(xiàn)和進(jìn)攻。
- In a word,the above operational principle for fighting campaigns and battles is one of "quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines". 上述這樣的戰役和戰斗的作戰方針,一句話(huà)說(shuō)完,就是:“外線(xiàn)的速決的進(jìn)攻戰”。
- "Exterior lines" refers to the sphere of the offensive and "quick-decision" to its duration. Hence the name "quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines". 外線(xiàn)是說(shuō)的進(jìn)攻的范圍,速決是說(shuō)的進(jìn)攻的時(shí)間,所以叫它做“外線(xiàn)的速決的進(jìn)攻戰”。
- All these find expression in quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines in campaigns and battles and protracted defensive warfare on interior lines in strategy. 而一切這些,都表現于戰役和戰斗上的外線(xiàn)的速決的進(jìn)攻戰,同時(shí)也就表現于戰略上的內線(xiàn)的持久的防御戰之中。
- Mobile warfare is the form in which regular armies wage quick-decision offensive campaigns and battles on exterior lines along extensive fronts and over big areas of operation. 運動(dòng)戰,就是正規兵團在長(cháng)的戰線(xiàn)和大的戰區上面,從事于戰役和戰斗上的外線(xiàn)的速決的進(jìn)攻戰的形式。
- Since our field armies moved to exterior lines, they have suffered hardships, with troops in the Dabie Mountains, in particular, encountering many difficulties. 我們幾個(gè)野戰軍出來(lái)以后,是吃了苦頭的,特別是大別山的部隊遇到了好多困難。
- The basic principle of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan is quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines. 抗日戰爭戰場(chǎng)作戰的基本方針,是外線(xiàn)的速決的進(jìn)攻戰。
- In a word, the above operational principle for fighting campaigns and battles is one of "quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines". (七五)上述這樣的戰役和戰斗的作戰方針,一句話(huà)說(shuō)完,就是:“外線(xiàn)的速決的進(jìn)攻戰”。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直線(xiàn)與水平線(xiàn)在此相交。
- This principle of "quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines" can and must be applied in guerrilla as well as in regular warfare. 這種方針,不但是正規戰爭用得著(zhù),游擊戰爭也用得著(zhù),而且必須要用它。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一條線(xiàn)與另一條線(xiàn)成直角相交。