- He had extensive and profound knowledge. 他的學(xué)問(wèn)博大精深。
- His academic achievements are extensive and profound. 他的學(xué)術(shù)成就博大精深。
- His simple Materialism and dialectics thoughts is extensive and profound. 他的樸素唯物主義和辯證法思想,堪稱(chēng)博大精深;
- Since the end of the cold war extensive and profound changes have taken place in the international situation. 冷戰結束后,國際形勢發(fā)生了廣泛而深刻的變化。
- Confucianism is extensive and profound, abundant in content, and receives the worldwide attention increasingly. 儒家思想博大精深,內容豐富,日益受到全世界的重視。
- The Russian art is extensive and profound which has formed on the basis of other countries'culture. 俄羅斯美術(shù)博大精深,是在吸收他國文化的基礎上形成的。
- Chinese Wushu is extensive and profound, which is the pride of our Chinese nation. 中華武術(shù)博大精深,是我們中華民族的驕傲。
- The Chinese language is extensive and profound, with one character having various meanings. 漢語(yǔ)博大精深,一個(gè)字就有許多種字義。
- The Chinese civilization,extensive and profound,and with a long history behind it,has contributed tremendously to the progress of human civilization. 中華文明博大精深、源遠流長(cháng),為人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步作出了巨大貢獻。
- The Chinese civilization, extensive and profound, and with a long history behind it, has contributed tremendously to the progress of human civilization. 中華文明博大精深、源遠流長(cháng),為人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步作出了巨大貢獻。
- The Chinese Sado has a long history, and it is extensive and profound, and including profound religion culture foundation. 中國茶道源遠流長(cháng),博大精深。
- As a result,a new branch of extensive and profound international learning has taken shape in the intellectual system of mankind. That is the Study of Dunhuang. 而人類(lèi)的知識體系中,卻有了一門(mén)博大宏富的國際顯學(xué)--敦煌學(xué)。
- As a result, a new branch of extensive and profound international learning has taken shape in the intellectual system of mankind. That is the Study of Dunhuang. 而人類(lèi)的知識體系中,卻有了一門(mén)博大宏富的國際顯學(xué)--敦煌學(xué)。
- These rare as Sambo, the extensive and profound history and culture in this ancient city in the deeply into these ancient peoples and land and water in this side. 以上這些被譽(yù)為稀世三寶,這些博大精深的歷史文化,在這古老的名城中深深融合于這古老的民族和這方水土中。
- Depending on the unique artistic-glamor and large-scale collective-work, ShiZhong had produced extensive and profound affects to the life of TaiWanese society and culture. 摘要詩(shī)鐘以其獨特的藝術(shù)魅力和大規模的集體創(chuàng )作,在臺灣社會(huì )歷史與文化生活中產(chǎn)生過(guò)極其廣泛而深刻的影響。
- The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. 先生的學(xué)問(wèn)博大精深。
- This is a discussion on the net circumstances for the library service to create a good social condition, meanwhile, the society also raise a more extensive and profound clain with the library service. 本文論述網(wǎng)絡(luò )環(huán)境為圖書(shū)館服務(wù)工作創(chuàng )造了良好的條件,同時(shí)社會(huì )也對圖書(shū)館工作提出更廣更深的要求。
- Chinese traditional aesthetics is extensive and profound, “Imago” run through Chinese traditional aesthetics all the time. The impact on Chinese traditional figure is more obvious. 中國傳統美學(xué)博大精深,“意象”美貫穿了中國傳統美學(xué)的始終,對中國傳統圖形的影響更是明顯。
- The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations. 那城堡要用巨資進(jìn)行全面整修。
- BEA's documentation is very extensive and detailed. 人家告訴你這個(gè)解決方法,你查查文檔,配置有問(wèn)題了,再問(wèn)。。。