- China would work with Venezuela to explore their potentials and expand cooperation for better economic and social benefits, Hu added. 中方愿與委方共同挖掘潛力,擴大合作領(lǐng)域,使雙方的合作產(chǎn)生良好的經(jīng)濟社會(huì )效益。
- The8 th Asia-Europe meeting follows a summit in Helsinki last September as both sides are vowed to expand cooperation. 第八屆亞歐峰會(huì )沿襲了去年九月在赫爾辛基舉行的的峰會(huì );雙方都承諾擴大合作.
- The 8th Asia-Europe meeting follows a summit in Helsinki last September as both sides are vowed to expand cooperation. 第八屆中歐會(huì )議是在去年九月在赫爾辛基的峰會(huì )后舉行的;當時(shí)雙方都承諾擴大合作.
- This year discussions will focus on the international financial crisis and how to expand cooperation within the bloc. 今年的會(huì )議主要圍繞應對國際金融危機和擴大本組織內部的合作進(jìn)行討論。
- Consolidate and expand cooperation, brand construction is bibcock, do well managing is premise, strengthening cooperation is a foundation. 鞏固和發(fā)展合作社 ,品牌建設是龍頭 ,搞好經(jīng)營(yíng)是前提 ,加強合作是基礎。
- Since its inception, actively expand cooperation, and has now become: TCL, QDI, AIQ, United States PNY, Singapore DTE cooperation brands manufacturers. 公司自成立以來(lái),積極擴大合作,目前已成為:TCL,QDI,AIQ,美國PNY,新加坡DTE等品牌的合作生產(chǎn)商。
- APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and APEC CEO summit are just ideal places for the APEC business community to exchange ideas, promote mutual friendship and expand cooperation. APEC工商咨詢(xún)理事會(huì )(ABAC)和APEC工商領(lǐng)導人峰會(huì )是APEC工商企業(yè)界互相交流的理想場(chǎng)所,有助于增進(jìn)友誼,擴大合作。
- History has proved the necessary to expand cooperative relations between Europe and Asia, two major cradles of human civilization. 歷史已證明,擴大歐亞這兩大人類(lèi)文明主要發(fā)源地之間的合作關(guān)系是必要的。
- History has proved the necessity to expand cooperative relations between Europe and Asia, two major cradles of human civilization. 歷史已證明,擴大歐亞這兩大人類(lèi)文明主要發(fā)源地之間的合作關(guān)系是必要。
- Premier Zhu Rongji attended the third meeting of Chinese and EU leaders, and the two sides reached extensive agreement on further expanding cooperation in various fields. 朱镕基總理在北京與歐盟輪值主席國法國總統和歐盟委員會(huì )主席舉行了第三次中歐領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤,就進(jìn)一步擴大在各個(gè)領(lǐng)域的合作達成了廣泛一致。
- The company is eager to expand into new markets. 那家公司急欲開(kāi)辟新的市場(chǎng)。
- History has proved the necessity to expand cooperative relations between the two continents. Europen and Asia, two major cradles of human civilization, has both contributed to human progress. 歷史已證明了擴大兩大洲之間合作關(guān)系的必要性。歐洲和亞洲這兩個(gè)人類(lèi)文明的主要發(fā)源地,對人類(lèi)進(jìn)步做出了貢獻。
- History has proved the necessity to expand cooperative relations between the two continents. Europe and Asia, two major cradles of human civilization, have both contributed to human progress. 歷史已證明了擴大兩大洲之間合作關(guān)系的必要性。歐洲和亞洲這兩個(gè)人類(lèi)文明的主要發(fā)源地,對人類(lèi)進(jìn)步做出了貢獻。
- We are committed to expanding cooperation in trade, investment, energy and resources and other fields and accelerating the China-Australia FTA negotiations for mutual benefit and common progress. 擴大在貿易、投資、能源、礦產(chǎn)資源等領(lǐng)域的合作和加快中澳自貿談判進(jìn)程,實(shí)現互利共贏(yíng);
- They urged on us the need for cooperation. 他們向我們強調合作的必要性。
- Metals expand when they are heated. 金屬遇熱則膨脹。
- I need your cooperation in this subject. 在這個(gè)項目上我需要你的合作。
- The king sought to expand his realm. 國王謀求擴大領(lǐng)土。
- Let's hope for good cooperation between us! 讓我們共同期待著(zhù)進(jìn)行良好的合作吧!
- They conferred on the best way to expand business. 他們商議擴展業(yè)務(wù)的最好方法。