- Exclusive right:Franchiser can apply to buy the County-level or prefectural-level monopoly rights. 獨家買(mǎi)斷權:加盟店可申請買(mǎi)斷縣級市、地級市獨家經(jīng)營(yíng)權;
- Compared with the previous exclusive monopoly, great changes have taken place of the competition conduct. 新的競爭局面與以前的獨家壟斷相比,競爭行為發(fā)生了極大的變化。
- This design simulation equipment to meet the exclusive monopoly of the distribution and recovery equipment. 此設計模擬滿(mǎn)足設備獨占性的獨占設備的分配和回收。
- A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new invention. 專(zhuān)利權是政府對一項新發(fā)明授予的獨占的權利,以給予該發(fā)明以鼓勵和獎勵.
- Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State,by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. 通過(guò)擁有國家資本和獨享壟斷權的國家銀行,把信貸集中在國家手里。
- Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. 通過(guò)擁有國家資本和獨享壟斷權的國家銀行,把信貸集中在國家手里。
- A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentivea reward for a new invention.To be patentable, an idea must be novel, usefulnonobvious. 1In the U.S.A. 專(zhuān)利權是政府對一項新發(fā)明授予的獨占的權利,以給予該發(fā)明以鼓勵和獎勵,一項具有專(zhuān)利性的想法必須具備新穎性、實(shí)用性和非顯著(zhù)性。
- Encouragement Theory holds that the monopoly right awarded by patents is to encourage invention activities and economic stimulus of necessary fiscal support. 激勵論認為,通過(guò)專(zhuān)利而授予的壟斷權,是鼓勵發(fā)明活動(dòng)和財政支持的必要的經(jīng)濟刺激;
- A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new invention.To be patentable, an idea must be novel, useful and nonobvious. 1In the U.S.A. 專(zhuān)利權是政府對一項新發(fā)明授予的獨占的權利,以給予該發(fā)明以鼓勵和獎勵,一項具有專(zhuān)利*的想法必須具備新穎*、實(shí)用*和非顯著(zhù)*。
- Monopoly right is the singleness soul of shared ownership of buildings while sharing right is the commonness soul,and the two factors constitute the pivot of shared ownership of buildings. 專(zhuān)有權是建筑物區分所有權的“單獨性靈魂”,共有權是“共同性靈魂”,二者共同構成建筑物區分所有權的軸心。
- To incorporate in intellectual property treaties and norms relevant provisions dealing with anti-competitive behavior or abuse of monopoly rights by rights holders. 在知識產(chǎn)權條約和準則中納入處理權利人反競爭行為或濫用壟斷權行為的相關(guān)規定。
- Developed and some developing countries have well-established systems of regulations to ensure that monopoly rights do not unduly affect the public interest. 發(fā)達國家和一些發(fā)展中國家已牢牢建立起確保壟斷權力不致無(wú)理地影響公共利益的規章制度。
- Patent, as a kind of monopolistic right, reflects patentee"s important request in benefit after getting patent. 專(zhuān)利權是一種獨占性權利,反映了專(zhuān)利權人在獲取專(zhuān)利權后的重大利益要求。
- The shareholder of current shares attaches importance to the right of income about capital gain, and think it as monopolistic right and core benefit. 資本利得收益權是流通股股東獨享權利,這是具有實(shí)踐意義的創(chuàng )新點(diǎn),并通過(guò)分析指出該項權利是流通股股東的核心利益所在。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服總是式樣最新的。
- In addition to "Group of Friends of Development", many developed countries recognized the social cost of granting monopoly rights and the need to balance them with social benefits. 除了“發(fā)展之友”之外,許多發(fā)達國家都認識到給予壟斷權利的社會(huì )成本以及將這種權利同社會(huì )效益相平衡的必要性。
- If that were not disruptive enough, the vague wording of the law means that China Post's monopoly rights are only loosely defined, so competitors will be vulnerable to whimsical expropriation. 如果這樣說(shuō)破壞性還不夠的話(huà),新法律的含糊措辭意味著(zhù)中國郵政的壟斷權只是寬松地定義,因此競爭對手將容易被剝奪權利。
- He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. 他似乎認為只有他才聰明。
- The matter will be given our exclusive attention. 此事將引起我們的全部關(guān)注。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。