- Investors are turning to the metal (again) as a safer alternative to other assets amid low interest rates and worries about the dollar's status as a currency reserve. 在低利率和對美元作為儲備貨幣地位表示擔心的氛圍中,投資者再次轉向金屬這一較其它資產(chǎn)更加安全的選擇。
- Meanwhile, Japan's foreign currency reserves rose by$201 bn. 同時(shí),日本的外匯儲備增加了2010億美元。
- get rid of the excess currency in circulation 消除流通中過(guò)多的通貨
- Their resent economic difficulties have caused serious inroads to be made into their gold and currency reserves. 他們最近的經(jīng)濟困難造成他們黃金儲備和貨幣儲備嚴重削減。
- scale of foreign currency reserve 外匯儲備規模
- With an estimated $475 billion in the reserve fund earlier in November, Nikolai Petrov notes that Russia can continue tapping its currency reserves at the present rate for about six months. 尼古拉彼得羅夫指出,俄羅斯估計在11月早些時(shí)候有4千750億美元的儲備基金,以目前的速率,俄羅斯可以繼續利用其外匯儲備6個(gè)月左右.
- It recently spent a third of its hard currency reserves because of a run on the rouble. 最近,已因盧布貶值花銷(xiāo)了三分之一的硬通貨。
- Overall, therefore, the country did not accumulate substantial foreign currency reserves. 因此,總體來(lái)看,中國沒(méi)有積累很大的外匯儲備。
- Between the end of 2000 and September 2003, foreign currency reserves rose by bn. 從2000年底至2003年9月,外匯儲備增加2180億美元。
- Fortuitously, large foreign currency reserves leave East Asian economies well placed to manage the change-over. 當前的一個(gè)有利條件是,東亞經(jīng)濟體擁有龐大的外匯儲備,因此有能力應對經(jīng)濟形勢的變化。
- With our foreign currency reserves at a historic high, is there a limit to how much we need to keep the Hong Kong dollar stable? 本港的外匯儲備錄得歷史性新高,不禁令人想到究竟我們需要多少外匯儲備來(lái)維持港元的穩定?到底有沒(méi)有一個(gè)限度呢?
- What lends the dollar's decline an air of crisis is that the world's bloated currency reserves are crammed with depreciating dollar assets. 美元的下跌好像失去控制的飛機,因為各國本就略嫌臃腫的貨幣儲備隨著(zhù)美元資產(chǎn)的貶值進(jìn)一步增加。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 愛(ài)國主義過(guò)了頭即可導致仇視一切外國人。
- But everyone is looking to the world’s greatest possessor of currency reserves, China, also to make a very large contribution. 但是,大家都在指望中國這個(gè)世界最大的儲備貨幣持有國也能做出非常巨大的貢獻。
- His reserve had been always excessive and habitual. 他沉默寡言,已成習慣。
- SDRs nevertheless represent a potential claim on other countries' freely usable currency reserves, for which they can be exchanged voluntarily. 盡管如此,SDR仍代表了對其他國家可自由使用貨幣儲備的一種潛在要求權,這些儲備可以在自愿的基礎上進(jìn)行兌換。
- Between the end of January 2002, when the dollar started to fall briskly, and last October, global foreign currency reserves rose by bn. 從2002年1月底美元開(kāi)始迅速下跌,到去年10月為止,全球外匯儲備增長(cháng)8310億美元。
- Never spend in excess of your income. 花錢(qián)切不可超過(guò)自己的收入。
- It is a low-inflation country, with soaring productivity and foreign currency reserves that have reached bn, the world's second largest after Japan's. 中國也是一個(gè)生產(chǎn)率不斷提高的低通貨膨脹國家,外匯儲備已經(jīng)達到3800億美元,僅次于日本,位于世界第二。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 這個(gè)工廠(chǎng)已積累了后備基金。