- 重讀“into”一詞的第一個(gè)音節to accentuate the first syllable of “into”
- 我們得想辦法go into the house,This is the thief's house.
- INTO子句目標表上列名的可選列表。Is an optional list of column names on the target table of the INTO clause.
- 不允許使用COMPUTE子句和INTO關(guān)鍵字。The COMPUTE clause, and the INTO keyword are not allowed.
- 應用知信行模式(Knowledge,Attitude,Belief,Practice,KABP)和健康信念模式(Health Belief Model,HBM),分析影響研究人群采取乳腺自檢行為(Breast Self-examination,BSE)的因素,為今后制定有效的健康教育策略提供依據。KABP Model(nowledge, Attitude, Belief, Practice) and Health Belief Model (HBM) were introduced to explore and identify the potential factors that influence the practice of BSE and to provide reference for developing productive health education strategies in future health-promoting activities.
- 第一個(gè)查詢(xún)可以包含一個(gè)INTO子句,用來(lái)創(chuàng )建容納最終結果集的表。The first query can contain an INTO clause that creates a table to hold the final result set.
- 在PivotTable Service中,PASSTHROUGH選項是INSERT INTO語(yǔ)句的一部分。In PivotTable Service, the PASSTHROUGH option is part of the INSERT INTO statement.
- 僅當現有模型的結構與新模型的算法兼容時(shí),才能使用SELECT INTO語(yǔ)句。The SELECT INTO statement works only if the structure of the existing model is compatible with the algorithm of the new model.
- 一水接天,風(fēng)帆隱隱
- 如果您必須引用組操作的結果,可以使用into關(guān)鍵字來(lái)創(chuàng )建可進(jìn)一步查詢(xún)的標識符。If you must refer to the results of a group operation, you can use the into keyword to create an identifier that can be queried further.
- 然而,問(wèn)題是用于保存錯誤變量的VALUES INTO語(yǔ)句的花費幾乎與SELECT INTO語(yǔ)句的一樣高。The point, however, is that the VALUES INTO statement that saves away the error-variables is nearly as expensive as the SELECT INTO statement.
- 連接級變量的值可用與局部變量相同的方法設置:使用SET語(yǔ)句或帶有INTO子句的SELECT語(yǔ)句。The value of connection-level variables can be set in the same way as local variables, using the SET statement or using a SELECT statement with an INTO clause.
- 在游標聲明的select_statement內不允許使用關(guān)鍵字COMPUTE、COMPUTE BY、FOR BROWSE和INTO。The keywords COMPUTE, COMPUTE BY, FOR BROWSE, and INTO are not allowed within select_statement of a cursor declaration.
- 如果未使用INTO子句,并且column_specifier沒(méi)有為局部變量分配值,則該語(yǔ)句將結果集返回到調用程序。If the INTO clause is not used, and column_specifier does not assign the values to local variables, the statement returns a result set to the calling program.
- 但是,由于INSERT觸發(fā)器可以通過(guò)INSERT INTO(table_name)SELECT語(yǔ)句激發(fā),所以插入許多行可能導致調用單個(gè)觸發(fā)器。However, because an INSERT trigger can be fired by an INSERT INTO (table_name) SELECT statement, the insertion of many rows may cause a single trigger invocation.
- 具有諷刺意味的是,在許多情況下,程序甚至可能不在乎檢查SELECT INTO的結果是什么,因此,條件處理程序的工作是徒勞的。Ironically, in many cases the program may not care to even check the outcome of the SELECT INTO and the condition handlers work was in vain.
- 這家公司迅速向電腦業(yè)發(fā)展,經(jīng)過(guò)一段時(shí)間的停頓及失敗之后,于1991年接收了美國一家大電腦公司。AT&T rapidly moved into the computer business;after some halting and mostly unsuccessful efforts, in 1991 it took over NCR Corp., one of the major American computer companies.
- 石膏型鑄造法