- Scientists discover approximately 7,000 to 10,000 new insect species every year on average and they believe that there are between 1 million and. 1 00 million species as yet unfound. 有趣的是,這種“寶光佛影”在德國布勞甘山也經(jīng)常出現。那里的天主教徒們把它叫做"布勞甘山幽靈"。佛教信徒們所崇拜的"神"、"佛",竟成了天主教徒們眼中的"魔鬼"、"幽靈"。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我們平均每年有一個(gè)學(xué)生不及格。
- On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year. 平均每年有100個(gè)人因為圓珠筆窒息而死。
- On average,Hong Kong experiences two to three minor earth tremors every year. 香港每年平均感受到兩至三次輕微地震。
- Wwe fail one student per year on average. 我們平均每年有一個(gè)學(xué)生不及格。
- Confetti covers the floor every year on January1. 每年1月1日,五彩紙屑撒得到處都是
- On average, Hong Kong experiences two to three minor earth tremors every year. 香港每年平均感受到兩至三次輕微地震。
- Confetti covers the floor every year on January 1. 每年1月1日,五彩紙屑撒得到處都是
- I travel a lot every year on business. 我每年做生意走了很多國家。
- It is every year on the sixth of February. 它是每年2月的第6天。
- There is very little rain here, merely 60 mm in a year on average. 這兒雨水極少,平均每年只有60毫米。
- Left untreated, each person with pulmonary TB will infect on average between 10 and 15 people every year. 如果不進(jìn)行治療,每名肺結核患者將平均每年傳染10-15人。
- We honour our country's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day . 每年,在紀念日這一天,我們都紀念為國家犧牲的士兵們。
- We honor our country's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day. 每年,在紀念日這一天,我們都紀念為國家犧牲的士兵們。
- We honour our country's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day. 每年,在紀念日這一天,我們都紀念為國家犧牲的士兵們。
- We honour our country 's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day. 每年,在紀念日這一天,我們都紀念為國家犧牲的士兵們。
- Every year on the hook, no human has many ways opportunely". 年年乞與人間巧,不道人間巧已多"。
- In early Atlantean society, humans lived 150 to 175 years on average. 在亞特蘭蒂斯社會(huì )早期,人們平均活上150-170歲。
- Every year on the lst of January he had added a hundred and the interest. 每年一月一號,他都要添上一百鎊和一年的利息
- According to US official statistics, one American woman is beaten in every 15 seconds on average and some 700,000 cases of rape occur every year. 據美國官方統計,美國每15秒鐘就有一名婦女被打,每年有70萬(wàn)起強奸案發(fā)生。