- Section-TIN-GTP模型section-TIN-GTP model
- (=frozen section) 冰凍切片f.s.
- 第三節 section C 簡(jiǎn)單短文Why do people want to use postcards?
- boom section (噴霧器的)噴桿組
- 第三節 section C 簡(jiǎn)單短文?From the last piece of news, who beat the Rifles 7 to 3?
- 第一節 section A 簡(jiǎn)單短文?What dream did he have when the old man slept on the bench?
- (=cross-section) 橫斷面,橫切面x sect.
- cesarean section 剖宮產(chǎn),剖腹產(chǎn)C / sec.
- chamfered section (絲錐的)前錐部
- equalizing section (窯池的)溫度調節區
- (=transverse section) 橫切面,橫截面trans. sect.
- Latzkos cesarean section腹膜外剖腹產(chǎn)術(shù)
- 屬性使得這個(gè)模式不遵循Section 5編碼。Attribute makes this schema noncompliant with Section 5 encoding.
- (=transverse(cross)section) 橫切面,橫斷面T sect.
- Hardys thin cross-section device哈氏切片機
- 向Genealogy Section控件的窗體添加命令按鈕。Add command buttons to the Genealogy Section control of the form.
- 它包含在其中聲明節處理程序的ASP.NET配置section元素。It contains ASP.NET configuration section elements where section handlers are declared.
- 如果輸入字符串是Section 22,那么該表達式匹配Section 22。If the input string is Section 22, the expression matches Section 22.
- 下面是“section”,它指出這個(gè)項目應當出現的菜單和子菜單。The next is "section", where the menu and submenu the entry should appear in.
- 使用拖放方法將Button控件復制到窗體上Genealogy Section控件。Use the drag-and-drop technique to copy the Button control to the Genealogy Section control on the form.