- If you do not have these permissions, contact an Enterprise administrator or top-level domain administrator. 如果您沒(méi)有這些權限,請與Enterprise管理員或頂級域管理員聯(lián)系。
- By WEB issuing data on Internet, to provide new management means for coal enterprise administrator. 系統采用WEB發(fā)布,使礦井安全生產(chǎn)數據上網(wǎng),為煤炭企業(yè)管理人員提供了新的管理手段。
- The account you use to install ADC must be a member of the Enterprise Administrator, Schema Administrator, and Domain Administrator groups. 用來(lái)安裝ADC的帳戶(hù)必須是Enterprise Administrator、Schema Administrator和Domain Administrator組的成員。
- Only an Enterprise administrator or top-level domain administrator will have the permissions required to register display specifier objects. 只有Enterprise管理員或頂級域管理員有權注冊顯示說(shuō)明符對象。
- Entrepreneur of reality is it have entrepreneur quality-ability, their entrepreneur quality ability can show and enterprise administrator that is approve by society. 現實(shí)中的企業(yè)家是指擁有企業(yè)家素質(zhì)能力、其企業(yè)家素質(zhì)能力得以顯示并得到社會(huì )認可的企業(yè)經(jīng)營(yíng)管理者。
- You should recommend where necessary to the enterprise administrator to include in the hierarchy a new type of firewall administrator that a Web service under development needs. 用戶(hù)應該向企業(yè)管理員建議哪些地方有必要在層次體系中包括新型防火墻管理員,開(kāi)發(fā)Web服務(wù)時(shí)需要這種管理員。
- To authorize an RIS server in Active Directory, you must be logged on to your computer as an enterprise administrator or a domain administrator of the root domain. 若要在A(yíng)ctive Directory中授權RIS服務(wù)器,您必須以企業(yè)管理員或引導域的域管理員身份登錄計算機。
- The policy should also include the privileges that allow the enterprise administrator to directly communicate with the local administrator to meet the uptime availability guarantees. 策略還應該包含允許企業(yè)管理員可以直接與本地管理員通信的特權,以滿(mǎn)足正常運行時(shí)間的可用性保證。
- As a burgeoning major,the courses of public enterprise administration still are very faulty. 公共事業(yè)管理專(zhuān)業(yè)作為一個(gè)新興的專(zhuān)業(yè),其課程設置還很不完善。
- Beside, Linkman also owns an extraordinarily powerful advisory body, including famous scholars, headmasters, enterprise administrative talents, etc. 自成立以來(lái),靈曼公司獲得了國內外有關(guān)部門(mén)的支持和贊譽(yù),以及從學(xué)校甚至社會(huì )的好評。
- An unexpected error occurred while granting the Domain Administrators rights to administer the server object %1. Please have an Enterprise Administrator manually grant full access to the Domain Administrators. 在授予域管理員權限管理服務(wù)器對象%251的時(shí)遇到意外錯誤。請讓企業(yè)管理員手動(dòng)對域管理員授予完全訪(fǎng)問(wèn)權限。
- The enterprise administrator must establish a filtering criteria policy for all administrative levels of the hierarchy on controlling and monitoring traffic from many address sources and destinations. 企業(yè)管理員必需從管理的層次上建立過(guò)濾標準策略,用來(lái)控制和監控多個(gè)源地址和目的地址間的傳輸。
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他著(zhù)手創(chuàng )辦新企業(yè)。
- Local computer administrators have the right to specify trusted publishers on the local computer, but enterprise administrators have the right to specify trusted publishers on an organizational unit level. 本地計算機管理員有權在本地計算機上指定受信任的發(fā)布服務(wù)器,而企業(yè)管理員有權在組織單元級別指定受信任的發(fā)布服務(wù)器。
- Because permissions are by default inherited by all child objects in the configuration directory partition, including the Exchange organization container, Enterprise Administrators are also Exchange Full Administrators. 由于權限默認情況下由配置目錄分區中的所有子對象(包括Exchange組織容器)繼承,因此Enterprise Administrators也是Exchange管理員(完全控制)。
- Beware of all enterprise that require new clothes. 凡是要求有新衣服的計劃,都得加以提防。
- He works in a private enterprise. 他在一家私人企業(yè)工作。
- Plan is killing free enterprise. 規劃扼殺自由經(jīng)營(yíng)。
- The enterprise collapsed through lack of support. 該企業(yè)因無(wú)力支持而倒閉。
- The enterprise is an applicant of this credit. 這家企業(yè)是信用證的申請者。