- The prisoners went on a hunger strike. 犯人們進(jìn)行絕食抗議。
- Al-Haj has reportedly participated in a hunger strike since January of last year. 據報導,阿勒-哈吉從去年1月起進(jìn)行絕食斗爭。
- Mia Farrow began a hunger strike to protest the situation of refugees in Darfur. 米亞-菲羅進(jìn)行了一次絕食示威來(lái)抗議達爾福爾地區難民的生活狀況。
- Hundreds of prisoners in a jail in Kolkata went on a hunger strike after authorities refused to allow them to watch Indian Premier League (IPL) on cable television, AFP reported. 法新社近日報道,因為監獄官禁止囚犯觀(guān)看印度板球超級聯(lián)賽,加爾各答一所監獄內的500名囚犯進(jìn)行絕食抗議。
- Al-Haj has reportedly participated in a hunger strike since January of last year.Officials say some detainees go on and off hunger strike from time to time. 有一份聽(tīng)證記錄援引阿勒-哈吉對美國軍方復審委員會(huì )說(shuō)的話(huà),他說(shuō)拘留他是個(gè)錯誤,他從未參加恐怖團體,也沒(méi)有參與任何恐怖活動(dòng)或者暴力行動(dòng)。
- A: I'm joining the hunger strike tonight. 我要參加今晚的絕食抗議。
- The student has a hunger for learning. 這個(gè)學(xué)生有強烈的求知欲。
- stage a hunger strike in protest against 發(fā)起針對 ... 的絕食抗議
- All the prisoners on hunger strike had to be force-fed. 所有絕食的犯人均需強迫進(jìn)食。
- He has a hunger for/after knowledge. 他有強烈的求知欲。
- He go on hunger strike until the prison authorities allow him to receive mail. 他進(jìn)行絕食斗爭直到監獄當局允許他獲得郵件。
- feed someone against his will during a hunger strike 在絕食中強使某人吃食物
- She is from beginning to end a good friend. 她始終是個(gè)好朋友。
- feed someone against his will during a hunger strike. 在絕食中強使某人吃食物。
- It turns out in the end a fine day. 最后天轉晴了。
- He had a hunger after knowledge and truth. 他渴求知識和真理。
- Full stop: Punctuation mark used to end a sentence. 句號:表示句子完結的標點(diǎn)符號。
- Full stop Punctuation mark used to end a sentence. 表示句子完結的標點(diǎn)符號。
- Than the desperate desire to end a bickering match. 不是只為結束一個(gè)爭論而產(chǎn)生的瘋狂的想法。
- He possesses a hunger for adventure. 他渴望冒險。