- He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. 他很明智,退出了競選。
- The election contest is heating up. 選舉競爭正趨于白熱化。
- This is the lowdown on the whole event of the so-called election contest. 這就是整個(gè)所謂競選事件的內幕。
- He has the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. 他很明智地退出了競選。
- He have the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. 他很明智,退出了競選。
- This is the lowdown on the whole event of the so called election contest. 這就是整個(gè)所謂競選事件的內幕。
- Whitman prepares next allowing to enter into an election contest with republic partisans identity California bey. 惠特曼預備以共和黨人身份競選下任加州州長(cháng)。
- At the beginning of 2007, the new medium that he will come to to Chicago begin to be senatorial Aobama enters into an election contest the group works. 2007年初,他來(lái)到芝加哥開(kāi)始為參議員奧巴馬的新傳媒競選團隊工作。
- Drew the lesson that fails last, it is this in the domain of zero federal, although have China, but Chinese presidency was not in " enter into an election contest " in cavalcade. 吸取了上次失敗的教訓,這次在零度聯(lián)邦的版圖中,雖然有中國,但中國總統職位沒(méi)有在“競選”行列中。
- Laura alleges in enter into an election contest oneself will be become " the youth's model " , break people to be opposite thereby the bias of British youth. 勞拉在競選中宣稱(chēng)自己將成為“年輕人的楷?!?,從而打破人們對英國年輕人的偏見(jiàn)。
- Those who bring that city when the result announces, entering into an election contest had been in the evening at 11 o'clock, harrisson went to bed already before this. 安那州的競選結果公布時(shí)已經(jīng)是晚上11點(diǎn)鐘了,哈里森在此之前早已上床睡覺(jué)了。
- Meantime, she asked a lot of specific questions, the backup force that includes to enter into an election contest is ensured, and the consequence of bey is waited a moment. 其間,她詢(xún)問(wèn)了很多具體的問(wèn)題,包括競選的后援保障、以及州長(cháng)的影響力等等。
- Although Whitman is denied clearly,will enter into an election contest California bey, but did not mean her to close the entrance door that take up a political career completely. 盡管惠特曼明確否認將競選加州州長(cháng),但并不意味著(zhù)她完全關(guān)閉了從政的大門(mén)。
- Iranian media says, this action is to prevent main opposition candidate Musawei's proponent uses a network to be built to enter into an election contest situation. 伊朗媒體稱(chēng),此舉是為阻止主要反對派候選人穆薩維的支持者利用網(wǎng)絡(luò )為競選造勢。
- Currently hold the post ofCalifornia bey to apply Waxinge to entered into an election contest 2006 bey of California of be reappointed consecutively is successful, lieutenancy comes January 2011. 現任加州州長(cháng)施瓦辛格2006年競選連任加州州長(cháng)成功,任期至2011年1月。
- If have a student cogged catch, you should are opposite more he is good, because want to enter into an election contest after him assemblyman or president, it is better to him to want so. 假如有學(xué)生作弊抓到,你更要對他好,因為他以后要競選議員或總統,所以要對他更好。
- Message personage discloses last week, whitman had been discussed with high level of American republic party entered into an election contest 2010 the possibility of California bey. 消息人士上周透露,惠特曼已經(jīng)同美國共和黨高層探討了2010年競選加州州長(cháng)的可能性。
- Disclose according to message personage, whitman had been discussed with high level of American republic party entered into an election contest 2010 the possibility of California bey. 據消息人士透露,惠特曼已經(jīng)同美國共和黨高層探討了2010年競選加州州長(cháng)的可能性。
- This football match is an unequal contest. 這場(chǎng)足球賽是一場(chǎng)實(shí)力懸殊的比賽。
- It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落選的原因似乎并不清楚。