- Compared with traditional methods, such as Nearest Neighbor Rules, Euclidian Distance, Mahalanobis Distance and Neural Networks, this method achieves higher recognition rate. 該方法與傳統方法相比 ,克服了后者固有的過(guò)學(xué)習和欠學(xué)習問(wèn)題 ,并且對復雜模式的識別能力強 ,達到了很高的人臉識別率。
- Standard CA has some restrictions in cellular shape and neighborhood and neighbor rules, which restrict the CA's ability to simulate real world and application. 標準元胞自動(dòng)機在元胞形態(tài)、鄰居規則等方面的定義存在極大限制,制約了元胞自動(dòng)機對真實(shí)世界的模擬和應用能力。
- Many classifiers were designed, based on the assumption of normal distributions, kernels or potential functions, nearest neighbor rules,multi-layer perceptrons, and so on [15, 45, 62, 76]. 許多分類(lèi)器被設計了出來(lái),這些分類(lèi)器都是基于正態(tài)分布假設,運用核或勢函數、最鄰近原則、多層感知器等等方法[15,45,62,76]。
- I take a peck at my neighbor paper. 我偷看隔壁的考卷。
- She petitioned her neighbor to turn down the radio. 她請求鄰居把收音機關(guān)小點(diǎn)聲。
- My neighbor took out the burnable trash. 我的鄰居把可燃垃圾拿到外面去了。
- Eight roads radiate from the square. 八條大道從廣場(chǎng)呈輻射形伸展出去。
- My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 我的鄰居是一個(gè)具有高尚品德的人。
- School takes in at eight and lets out at three. 學(xué)校八點(diǎn)上課,下午三點(diǎn)放學(xué)。
- A byte composed of eight binary elements. 一個(gè)由8個(gè)二進(jìn)制數位組成的字節。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷開(kāi)始感到自己的統治受到了威脅。
- He made a false accusation against his neighbor. 他誣告他的鄰居。
- He was only eight when he ascended the throne. 他登上王位時(shí)才八歲。
- But this does not rule out unofficial discussions. 但這并不排除進(jìn)行非正式的討論。
- Britain's nearest neighbor is France. 英國最近的鄰居是法國。
- There are eight runners in the final race. 最后的賽程中有八匹馬參加。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那規則對這一場(chǎng)合不適用。
- Our ordinary workday is eight hours. 我們正常的工作日是8小時(shí)。
- My neighbor's dog died from distemper. 我鄰居的狗死于犬瘟熱。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根據比例運算法則計算出來(lái)的。