- Non-litigating is the primary value of traditional Chinese legal culture. 摘要無(wú)訟是中國傳統法律文化的主導的價(jià)值取向。
- We shall basically set up a relatively complete foreign-related economic legal system that complies with the WTO rules and China's national conditions. 基本建立起比較完善的、符合世貿組織規則和我國國情的涉外經(jīng)濟法律體系。
- The quintessence or soul of the said legal culture coming from the Confucianism is the "golden mean". 作為這種法文化傳統之內在精神,亦即其靈魂,是儒家思想之精髓的"中道"理念。
- Masaji Chiba.Legal luralism Toward a General Theorythrough Japanese Legal Culture[M]。Tokai University ress. 霍貝爾。初民的法律(第4章)[M]。周勇譯。北京:中國社會(huì )科學(xué)出版社,1993.
- By examining the economy, politics, social, zoology background, the socialism new agricultural construction stratagem is the lifelikeness annotation to the economic legal system. 審視建設社會(huì )主義新農村戰略提出的經(jīng)濟、政治、社會(huì )、生態(tài)等背景特征,建設新農村戰略是對經(jīng)濟法理念的生動(dòng)詮釋。
- Masaji Chiba.Legal Pluralism Toward a General Theorythrough Japanese Legal Culture[M]。Tokai University Press. 霍貝爾。初民的法律(第4章)[M]。周勇譯。北京:中國社會(huì )科學(xué)出版社,1993.
- The concept of uniformity of legal culture is both featured dynamically and statically contained. 同構的概念既有動(dòng)態(tài)的特征,又有靜態(tài)的內蘊;
- Masaji Chiba.Legal Pluralism Toward a General Theorythrough Japanese Legal Culture[M].Tokai University Press. 霍貝爾.;初民的法律(第4章)[M]
- There is no unified concept about the legal culture, different legist has different idea. 法律文化并沒(méi)有一個(gè)明確、統一的概念,不同的法學(xué)家對其有不同的定義。
- According to its commitment to join the WTO,China is quickening the amendments to and formulation of relevant laws and regulations to attract FDI and perfecting its foreign related economic legal system. 按照中國加入世貿組織的承諾,加快修改、制定有關(guān)吸收外資的法律法規,完善涉外經(jīng)濟法律體系;
- Earnest efforts must be made to optimize China's macro-regulatory system and the modern market system, to rationalize and regulate various economic relations and to perfect the economic legal system. 要著(zhù)眼于完善宏觀(guān)調控體系,完善現代市場(chǎng)體系,理順和規范經(jīng)濟關(guān)系,完善經(jīng)濟法律制度。
- Commons between traditional legal culture and modem legal culture have made traditional legal culture consistently influence on modern society. 由于傳統法律文化與現代法律文化的共時(shí)性,使得傳統法律文化無(wú)時(shí)無(wú)刻不對現代社會(huì )產(chǎn)生著(zhù)影響。
- According to its commitment to join the WTO, China is quickening the amendments to and formulation of relevant laws and regulations to attract FDI and perfecting its foreign related economic legal system. 按照中國加入世貿組織的承諾,加快修改、制定有關(guān)吸收外資的法律法規,完善涉外經(jīng)濟法律體系;
- Legal tradition refers to any legal culture originating from the past, existing in the present and functioning in the future. 法律傳統是指發(fā)源于過(guò)去、存在于現在并在一定程度上影響未來(lái)的法律文化。
- After having experienced the stages of choosing, criticizing, and introducing, Chinese legal culture initialed her modern process. 中國法律文化通過(guò)對西方法律文化的選擇、批判與引進(jìn),開(kāi)始走上了現代化的進(jìn)程。
- What on earth are outdated or rigid in the traditional legal culture and how will they impede the progress of Chinese legal modernization? 傳統法律文化中究竟哪些內容或成分是過(guò)時(shí)的、僵死的東西,它們如何阻礙中國的法制現代化;
- It has always being an important topic in our traditional legal culture that whether crimes should be punished leniently or severely. 對待犯罪的寬嚴問(wèn)題始終是我國傳統法律思想文化的一個(gè)重要話(huà)題。
- This kind of personal attachment decides that the basic core and goal of ancient east legal culture is to confirm hierarchal attachment relation. 這種人身依附關(guān)系有其經(jīng)濟成因,由此決定了古代東方法律文化價(jià)值取向的基本特點(diǎn)是以確認等級依附關(guān)系為核心和目標。
- And the legal culture of Japanese special group consciousness in their ethos is the root of the enforcement pattern of Japanese antimonopoly law. 從法律文化的層面看,日本人文化心理中獨特的集團意識是生成反壟斷法執法模式的土壤。