- The whole world seemed to be at the party. 聚會(huì )上好像每個(gè)人都來(lái)了。
- He seemed to have the whole world at his bidding. 他似乎能讓全世界都聽(tīng)從他的指揮。
- She felt that the whole world was against her. 她覺(jué)得人人都跟她作對。
- It is universal truth that holds true for the whole world. 這是一條放之四海而皆準的普遍真理。
- No cataclysm has desolated the whole world. 沒(méi)有任何激變曾使整個(gè)世界變成荒蕪。
- His popularity extends all over in the whole world. 他的聲望遍及整個(gè)世界。
- The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war. 整個(gè)世界都會(huì )受到核戰爭的波及。
- All someone kicks the football in the whole world. 全世界都有人踢足球。
- It was also a black-letter day for the whole world. 這對全世界來(lái)說(shuō)也是不幸的一天。
- What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? 如果一個(gè)人得到全世界而喪失了靈魂,這對他有何益處呢?
- It is no secret. The whole world knows it. 這不是秘密。早已街知巷聞了。
- The whole world hungers for/after peace. 全世界的人都渴望和平。
- The birth rate of the whole world is astonishing. 全世界的人口出生率簡(jiǎn)直驚人。
- There will soon be no boundary for the whole world. 整個(gè)世界很快將沒(méi)有邊界。
- This tin-pot town isn't the whole world. 這個(gè)微不足道的城市不是整個(gè)世界。
- The war threatened the peace of the whole world. 那場(chǎng)戰爭威脅著(zhù)世界和平。
- All the world [the whole world]knows ... 全世界的人都知道。。。
- The whole world rs going topsy-turvy. 整個(gè)世界正變得顛三倒四。
- An eye for an eye makes the whole world. 以眼還眼,世界只會(huì )更盲目。
- I've searched the whole world for someone like you. 我尋尋覓覓只為你。