- With rapid healing TPS surface and built-in emergence profile. 迅速治療TPS表面并簡(jiǎn)歷緊急資料。
- With rapid technological change, many manners of our lives? 是說(shuō)生活方式么?
- Gregarious website is changing the life of people with rapid rate. 社交網(wǎng)站正在以飛快的速度改變著(zhù)人們的生活。
- Acute epiglottitis is a life-threatening disease with rapid progression.The common clinical symptoms include sore throat, odynophagia, dysphagia, dyspnea and saliva pooling. 摘要急性會(huì )厭軟骨炎,是一種快速進(jìn)展造成生命威脅的疾病,一般常見(jiàn)的臨床癥狀包括喉嚨痛、吞嚥痛、吞嚥困難、呼吸急促及口水堆積無(wú)法下嚥。
- With rapid development of Internet, the informational content conveyed in Internet is becoming uncontrollable. 摘要隨著(zhù)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的迅猛發(fā)展,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)傳播的信息內容已難以控制。
- South Africa is energy and economy big country with rapid development of electic power. 南非是能源大國,也是非洲經(jīng)濟大國,電力發(fā)展較快。
- They can shoot down enemy fighters and torpedoes with rapid fire plasma cannon and interceptor missiles. 它們可以擊落敵方戰斗機和魚(yú)雷快速血漿消防炮和攔截導彈。
- With rapid development in oil and gas industry,there are more and more pipeline construction projects in China. 隨著(zhù)我國石油天然氣工業(yè)的迅速發(fā)展,油氣管道工程的建設日益增多。
- With rapid growth and expansion, we are now looking for high calibers for following vacancies. 為適應貴聯(lián)集團發(fā)展需要,經(jīng)人事部全國人才交流中心批準,向社會(huì )廣納賢才,加盟"貴聯(lián)航母"的建設。
- Amniotic fluid may gain access to uterine veins following a tear in the placental membranes and embolize to the lungs, producing acute dyspnea with cyanosis and shock. 羊水通過(guò)羊膜的破裂口進(jìn)入子宮靜脈栓塞到肺,引起急性呼吸困難,伴面色蒼白和休克。
- This paper reviews the types of appliance, skeletal and dental changes, and comparison with rapid palatal... 本文就慢速腭擴展的矯治器類(lèi)型、骨性和牙性改變以及與快速腭擴展的比較作一綜述。
- Current, the dimensions that the net buys the development with rapid therewith expands ceaselessly. 目前,網(wǎng)購的規模正隨其快速的發(fā)展不斷壯大。
- Now he was lost in thought, his pen laid down; now he was wielding the pen with rapid, vigorous strokes. 他時(shí)而擱筆沉思,時(shí)而運筆如飛。
- The 30s of last century, with the development of freon chillers, heat pump with rapid development. 上世紀30年代,隨著(zhù)氟利昂制冷機的發(fā)展,熱泵有了較快的發(fā)展。
- dyspnea with exogenous febrile disease 傷寒喘
- dyspnea with thoracic flatulence 氣高
- The subacute onset of symptoms related to cor pulmonale with rapid deterioration and mortality because of massive tumor embolism are noted in the case. 其早期的臨床表現以亞急性肺心癥之癥狀為主,最后則因為大量的腫瘤栓塞造成病情急速惡化而死亡。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發(fā)脾氣。