- 培哚普利與利尿藥合用致嚴重高鉀血癥2例Perindopril combined with diuretics induced 2 patients with severe hyper-kalemia
- 利尿藥在抗高血壓治療中的應用及其限度The application of diuretic in antihypertensive treatment and its limitation
- 藥medicine
- 汞利尿藥mercurial diuretic
- 利尿降壓劑diuretic hypotensive agent
- 利尿藥/效果diuretic drugs/effects
- 治糖尿藥antidiabetic
- 多尿,利尿Excessive discharge of urine.
- 利尿藥pareira
- 制尿藥antidiuretic
- 利尿調經(jīng)inducing diuresis and normaliaing menstruation
- 消痰利尿dispelling phlegm to promote diupesis
- 抗糖尿藥antidiabetic
- 尿藥濃度drug usine level
- 強化利尿aggressive diuresis
- 藥物利尿drug diuresis
- 抗遺尿藥antienuretic drug
- 尿藥排泄urine excretion
- 利尿作用diuretic action
- B型利尿肽B - type natriuretic peptide