- "Basically planting of the dry land crop went ahead well but there are problems with the unavailability of inputs and finance for the production of the crop," said Cooke. 庫克說(shuō):“基本上,旱煙的種植進(jìn)展順利,但是對于投入物資的獲得和生產(chǎn)這種作物所需的資金存在問(wèn)題。
- Many parts of the world get rainfall in the summer growing season to support a dry land crop. 在世界上的許多地方,在夏天的種植季節降雨以供給水分給土地上的作物。
- Paederus mainly located in rural and suburban areas kind of dry land crops, day out at night, and aphids, stem borers, such as the existence of the relationship between the food chain. 隱翅蟲(chóng)主要分布在農村及城郊種旱地作物地區 ,晝伏夜出 ,與蚜蟲(chóng)、螟蟲(chóng)等存在食物鏈關(guān)系。
- I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land. 我暈船,恨不得立刻上岸。
- Dry land has been turned into paddy fields. 旱地變水田。
- Structural adjustment for crop production was continued. 種植業(yè)結構繼續調整。
- About one fourth of the earth is dry land. 地球約四分之一是陸地。
- The group has build winnows in Kenya to improve crop production. 該組織還幫助肯尼亞建造了揚谷器以提高其農作物產(chǎn)量。
- Is it practicable to grow crops on this dry land? 在這塊旱地里種莊稼是否可行?
- In rural India the group is assisting farmers with crop production. 在印度當地的組織正在幫助水稻生產(chǎn)的農民。
- Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture. 農學(xué); 農藝學(xué)土壤學(xué)和植物學(xué)在土壤管理和作物生產(chǎn)中的應用; 科學(xué)農業(yè)
- I am very busy, but he always on the dry land! 我很忙;但他總是沒(méi)事做.
- Most crops should be farmed on dry land. 大多數農作物都要旱作。
- Land consolidation is a vital part of land policy to increase farmland area, to enhance the crop production capacity, and to balance the land requisition-compensation. 摘要土地整理是土地政策的重要組成部分,是增加耕地面積、提高糧食綜合生產(chǎn)能力、實(shí)現耕地占補平衡的重要手段。
- In rural India, the group is assisting farmers with crop production. 在印度的鄉村,組織幫助農民的農作物生產(chǎn)。
- God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear"; and so it was. 上帝說(shuō):“天下之水要匯于一處,使干涸土地顯露!”于是就出現土地。
- Agricultural land use plan shall be updated to readjust crop production structure, actively develop green agriculture, return the related farmland to forest and grassland and stop new reclamation for agricultural use. 完善農業(yè)土地利用規劃,調整種植結構,積極發(fā)展綠色產(chǎn)業(yè),貧瘠土地退耕還林還草,郊區不再開(kāi)墾荒地用于農作物種植。
- I waded in the shoal almost a mile before I got to dry land. 我在淺灘中涉水幾乎一英里遠才到了陸地。
- The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. 海洋屬他。是他造的。旱地也是他手造成的。
- Agricultural land use plan shall be updated to readjust crop production structure,actively develop green agriculture,return the related farmland to forest and grassland and stop new reclamation for agricultural use. 完善農業(yè)土地利用規劃,調整種植結構,積極發(fā)展綠色產(chǎn)業(yè),貧瘠土地退耕還林還草,郊區不再開(kāi)墾荒地用于農作物種植。