- Federal drug enforcement agents were unable to find records of Murray's purchase of Propofol and have sought medical records from a handful of other physicians who had treated the singer. 聯(lián)邦藥品管理執行人員找不到穆雷購買(mǎi)異丙酚的記錄,也從治療過(guò)杰克遜其它醫生那里查找用藥記錄。
- Laws concerning drug enforcement, detection and penalties must be strictly applied. 有關(guān)禁止使用興奮劑的法規是強制性的,檢驗與處罰必須十分嚴格。
- Luke: Oh yeah the last time I saw a doctor you went poking around like a Turkish drug enforcement officer with an attitude. 路克:上次有個(gè)醫生嚴肅的像個(gè)土耳其反毒品檢查官一樣,對我東戳西戳的。
- Dave Keller, a drug enforcement officer in Appalachia, told the Associated Press that both small and large growers were trying to fill the void. 戴夫.;凱勒是阿巴拉偰亞的一個(gè)防止毒品的官員,他告訴美聯(lián)社說(shuō)大小大麻種植者都想鉆空子。
- Agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration served the warrant, seeking evidence of improper dispensing of controlled substances. 特工和藥監局申請了授權令,尋找那些被禁用的配方作為證據。
- They found such a large network of student traffickers that they approached the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for help. 他們發(fā)現了一個(gè)龐大的學(xué)生販毒網(wǎng)絡(luò ),于是求助于美國藥品強制管理局(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)緝毒局)。
- To raise cash for his company, DeLorean got involved in drug-trafficking ventures that turned out to be a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) sting operation. 為了替他的公司籌措資金,第羅倫鋌而走險的牽涉一筆毒品的非法走私交易,結果這是由緝毒局驅使操控的(虛構出來(lái)誘捕第羅倫的)。
- The department worked closely with the Hong Kong Police Force,various provincial Public Security Bureaux in the mainland of China and overseas drug enforcement agencies in the exchange of intelligence and in the arrest of drug criminals. 香港海關(guān)與本港警隊、內地各省的公安局和海外的掃毒機關(guān)保持緊密合作,以便交換情報和拘捕毒犯。
- Federal law enforcement agents posted his picture on billboards and a popular television show devoted to capturing fugitives. 為了抓獲薛乃印,聯(lián)邦執法機構四處張貼他的照片并把照片在一個(gè)專(zhuān)門(mén)尋找在逃犯的電視節目上公布。
- Law enforcement agents, looking for fugitives from justice, found no way to break down this system, nor any law which they could interpret as making it illegal to quick-freeze. 法律執行機構,正在從判決中尋找逃犯,發(fā)現沒(méi)有途徑突破這個(gè)系統,而且也沒(méi)有任何法律讓他們能夠使速凍非法并加以干涉。
- Federal Drug Enforcement Intelligence Seminar 聯(lián)邦禁毒情報研討會(huì )
- Among illegal drugs, methamphetamine now has more users worldwide than cocaine and heroin combined. That statement comes from the chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration in the United States. 在違禁藥品中,甲基苯丙胺全球范圍的使用者比可卡因和艾洛因使用者的總和還多。這份報告來(lái)自于美國違禁藥品強制管理局的主要領(lǐng)導。
- Drug Enforcement Administration number 藥品管理局編號
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人預先安排的度假事宜。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察負責執法。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 護士用生理鹽水把藥加以稀釋。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 這個(gè)旅游團是由我們的本地旅游代理商組織安排的。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要進(jìn)一步了解情況,請與本地代理商聯(lián)系。
- FBI is on the look out for the agent these days. 這些天聯(lián)邦調查局正在注意那個(gè)特工。
- The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人說(shuō)話(huà)。