- Promote private saving and domestic investment. 增長(cháng)私人儲蓄和國內投資。
- Mobilizing external resources for domestic investment in Africa. 也是指來(lái)自國內的投資,例如。
- It has no any effect on domestic investment in long or short term. 對外直接投資對國內投資沒(méi)有顯著(zhù)的長(cháng)期或短期影響。
- Given that China's domestic investing environment deteriorates and people have a good expectation of future economy and politics, gradual monetary policy has already lost its allure before them. 由于國內投資環(huán)境惡化和人民對未來(lái)的經(jīng)濟和政治抱有一個(gè)良好的預期,循序漸進(jìn)的貨幣政策已經(jīng)失去了它的吸引力。
- Can African countries grow fast enough to meet existing debt obligations and maintain adequate domestic investment? 非洲國家是否能有足夠快的增長(cháng),以?xún)敻冬F有債務(wù)并維護足夠的國內投資呢?
- Thus, the deficit has to be financed by reduced domestic investment or by increased foreign borrowing. 因此,預算赤字不得不通過(guò)減少?lài)鴥韧顿Y或增加國外借款來(lái)彌補。
- We have shown how the CAPM can help to estimate the cost of capital for domestic investments by U. 我們已經(jīng)展示了CAPM能夠如何幫助來(lái)估算美國公司的國內投資的資本成本。
- The parties thereto shall not evade the above provision by the domestic investment of a foreign-funded enterprise or by any other means. 當事人不得以外商投資企業(yè)境內投資或其他方式規避前述要求。
- Domestic Investment: three administrative examination and approval authorities such as Industrial and CommercialBureau will do all the service work. 內商投資:由工商等三個(gè)行政審批服務(wù)中心實(shí)行一條龍、一站式服務(wù)。
- Their move does not preclude others from investing. 他們這一行動(dòng)并不影響其他人進(jìn)行投資。
- Gross domestic investment - GDI: Outlays for additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus the net value of inventory changes. 國內投資總額(簡(jiǎn)寫(xiě)為GDI):一個(gè)國家增加的固定資產(chǎn)開(kāi)支,加上存貨變動(dòng)的凈值。
- It plans to transfer all the assets to either an internationa or domestic investor so as to develop and manage the hotel. 擬將全部資產(chǎn)轉讓給國際、國內的投資商,獨家開(kāi)發(fā)、經(jīng)營(yíng)。
- Investing in industry is money well spent. 錢(qián)投資在工業(yè)上是正確的。
- They still need the large domestic savings pool to fund domestic investments, recapitalise banks and plug the unfunded pension liabilities gap. 總體而言,中國的長(cháng)遠經(jīng)濟潛力和龐大的市場(chǎng)規模仍然對投資者具有很大說(shuō)服力。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 單位面積上的發(fā)光強度。
- In GDP lingo, those other sectors are government-consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment (business plus housing) and net exports. 以GDP行話(huà)來(lái)講,其它層面包括政府消費開(kāi)支、國內私人投資總額(商業(yè)加房地產(chǎn))以及凈出口。
- By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由于投資精明而積蓄了一筆財產(chǎn)。
- With the influx of domestic investment and enterprise, overseas business card printing and membership card production increase in weight. 隨著(zhù)港資企業(yè)的大量涌入,海外制卡和會(huì )員卡制作業(yè)務(wù)的比重日漸增多。
- He threw a spanner into works by never investing this project. 他不再投資這項工程而破壞了整個(gè)計劃。
- The parent of China's Geely Automotive will bid for Ford Motor-owned carmaker Volvo Car Corp with a domestic investment firm. 吉利汽車(chē)的母公司將與一家海內投資機構聯(lián)合競標福特汽車(chē)旗下的沃爾沃汽車(chē)生產(chǎn)商。