- Right dogleg, becareful water at the right. 右狗腿,開(kāi)波小心太右打穿入水。
- Upslope long Par 4, dogleg right, elevated green. 長(cháng)右狗腿上斜四桿洞,果嶺升起左。
- A slight dogleg left, with bunkers on the left too. 小左狗腿,左邊落點(diǎn)有沙池。
- A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition. 地塹成為鈾礦沉積的有利部位。
- Make a dogleg at the fire station and continue south. 在消防站向南急轉,然后繼續行進(jìn)
- Dogleg left. wide fairway, elevated green guarded by bunkers. . 左狗腿,闊球道,果嶺升起又有沙池守著(zhù)。
- Another dogleg right long Par 4, cross water for second shot. 右狗腿,第二桿又系要過(guò)水。
- The finishing hole is a dogleg right, gently uphill. 結尾的一洞是右狗腿,要上小斜。
- Dogleg right, peninsula green which require carry over water. 右狗腿,果嶺系半島型伸出水。
- Index 16, a wide dogleg right opening hole to warm up. 難度16,開(kāi)波俾條又闊又短既右狗腿等你松下身,小心果嶺邊沙池。
- Dogleg left, a big bunker lies on the left of the green. 左狗腿,果嶺左面一個(gè)巨型沙池。
- Dogleg left, the main defense comes from the distance. 小左狗腿長(cháng)四桿,主要系長(cháng)度。
- Downslope dogleg left short par 4, tempting for one on? 落大斜左狗腿短洞,我唔覺(jué)意?左剩返廿碼,相信直攻打260碼就夠。
- Dogleg left, request good approaching shot, water and bunker at the right. 左狗腿,主要攻果嶺果下,右邊又沙又水。
- Dogleg left, too much left will lead to OB. Second shot slightly uphill. 左狗腿,左有OB,開(kāi)波過(guò)水,第二桿少少上斜。
- The Eogene continental deposits 5000m and more thick in the Yishu Graben are believed to be the excellent source beds and reservoir rocks. 地塹中5000多米厚的早第三紀陸相沉積物具有良好的生儲油條件。
- Dogleg right, tight landing area, might be a good idea to hit short. 右狗腿,開(kāi)球落點(diǎn)收窄,打短一些會(huì )比較安全。
- Downslope dogleg right, green is elevated and guarded by bunkers on both side. 落斜右狗腿,果嶺升起左兼兩邊有沙。
- The present Yinchuan graben is not the separated line of Helanshan Basin and Ordos Basin. 現今的銀川地塹當時(shí)也并不是賀蘭山盆地與鄂爾多斯盆地的分割。
- Dogleg right. Downslope teeshot. Main defense from right greenside bunkers. 右狗腿,開(kāi)波落小斜,第二桿少少上斜,右前方好多沙池。