- Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. [諺]禍來(lái)如飛行,禍去似步行。
- Eugene and his family were rooted out from its native district and sent abroad. 尤金和他一家人被迫離開(kāi)家鄉,并被遣送出國。
- He left the district and broke with old ties . 他離開(kāi)了這一地區,斷絕了舊關(guān)系。
- He left the district and broke with old ties. 他離開(kāi)了這一地區,斷絕了舊關(guān)系。
- We will arrive on May 6th and depart on May 8th. 從5月6日至5月8日。
- Misfortunes come on horseback and depart on foot. 不幸的事總是來(lái)得快去得慢。
- He bought up all the spare building land in the district and can now charge what he wants for it. 他把這個(gè)地區的所有閑置的建筑土地全部買(mǎi)下了,現在他可以隨心所欲地要價(jià)了。
- They are required to arrive on July 23 and depart on July 28. 規定報到的日期是7月23日,離會(huì )日期是7月28日。
- He wished them all a merry Christmas and departed early. 他向他們大家說(shuō)了“圣誕節好”之后,很早就走了。
- For instance,some district and village governments are like that. 現在有些區村政權就是這樣。
- You can always enter and depart through the street door. 您隨時(shí)都可以由街上的那扇門(mén)進(jìn)出。
- They have left this district and gone to live in Bristol. 他們離開(kāi)這個(gè)地區,遷居到布里斯特爾了。
- For instance, some district and village governments are like that. 現在有些區村政權就是這樣。
- Tirana is located at in the eponymous district and county. 地拉那坐落在和她同名的區域。
- Note: Statistical Limits are Archives of Each District and County. 注:統計范圍:市、縣(市)區檔案局,國家綜合檔案館。
- Over 80 English teachers from each district and county attended the meeting. 各區縣英語(yǔ)教師80多人參加了會(huì )議。
- Tinker Taylor drank off his glass and departed. 補鍋匠泰勒把他那杯酒喝完了就起身走了。
- Misfortune comes on wing and departs on foot. 禍來(lái)如插翅,禍去如步行。
- Improve working efficiency, improve personal and department's performance. 提高工作效率和準確率,提高工作績(jì)效。
- The state also took over the abysmal school district and,in 2005, the police department. 州政府也接管了糟糕透頂的卡姆登市學(xué)區,在2005年又接管了警察局。