- Scope: Discipline Inspection. Discipline Inspection. 經(jīng)營(yíng)范圍:紀律檢查。
- Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is in Beijing. 中央紀律檢查委員會(huì )在北京。
- The Party should take disciplinary measures against anyone violating this principle, and this should be the focus of its discipline inspection work at present. 誰(shuí)要違反這一點(diǎn),誰(shuí)就要受到黨的紀律的處分。黨的紀律檢查工作要把這一點(diǎn)作為當前的重點(diǎn)。
- To elect the Party committees and commissions for discipline inspection at the corresponding levels. (四)選舉同級黨的委員會(huì ),選舉同級黨的紀律檢查委員會(huì )。
- Politbureau member, Central Discipline inspection commission Secretary He Guoqiang watch together. 中共中央政治局常委、中央紀委書(shū)記賀國強一同觀(guān)看。
- Do your inspection officer find anything negative in them? 你們的檢查官員有沒(méi)有發(fā)現任何不良情況?
- There are divisions of secretary, discipline inspection, propaganda, human resources, and information. 下設秘書(shū)科、組織紀檢科、宣傳科、人事保衛科、信息科。
- So did the Toyota Labour Standards Inspection Office, part of the labour ministry. 而勞動(dòng)基準監督署(厚生勞動(dòng)省的一個(gè)部門(mén))也這樣認為。
- The Procuratorial Supervision and Inspection Office shall have one Director, two Deputy Directors and several staffers. 檢務(wù)督察室設主任一名、副主任二名、工作人員若干名。
- In learning a foreign language, question and answer drills are good disciplines. A commission for discipline inspection. 紀律檢查委員會(huì )學(xué)外語(yǔ)時(shí),問(wèn)答練習是很好的訓練方法。
- We should reform and improve the system of Party discipline inspection and introduce and improve the system of inspection tours. 改革和完善黨的紀律檢查體制,建立和完善巡視制度。
- Apply security and inspection office for adding fire extinguishers in the chemical laboratory, and make a security caution. 向安檢辦申請,在化學(xué)實(shí)驗室增加消防滅火器,并對其作出安全警示標識。
- We have recently received a new rule from Dayao Bay Quarantine Inspection Office regarding vessel’s radio pratique.According to the new rule. 最近,我們收到大窯灣檢驗檢疫局關(guān)于船舶無(wú)線(xiàn)電檢疫的一項新規定。
- The Party should take disciplinary measures against anyone violating this principle,and this should be the focus of its discipline inspection work at present. 誰(shuí)要違反這一點(diǎn),誰(shuí)就要受到黨的紀律的處分。黨的紀律檢查工作要把這一點(diǎn)作為當前的重點(diǎn)。
- At present, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has been initially identified, these cadres of the cost of travel is Famo Kuan return of the money paid. 目前,紀委已初步查清,這些干部外出旅游的費用是用罰沒(méi)款返還的款項支付的。
- The port drug inspection office shall determine the methods jointly with the inspection application entity upon discussion in order to get representative samples. 口岸藥品檢驗所應當與報驗單位共同議定變更方法,以便抽取代表性樣品。
- New the birth of a Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, make the Party Central Committee led collective to come true smoothly new old alternant. 新一屆中央委員會(huì )和中央紀律檢查委員會(huì )的誕生,使黨中央領(lǐng)導集體順利實(shí)現了新老交替。
- This article gives detailed introduction of a series of technical measures taken by Fujian Longyan Products Supervision and Inspection Office in cement products practice in 2007. 文章詳細介紹了福建省龍巖市產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量監督檢驗所在2007年的產(chǎn)品抽檢中,為確保檢測結果的真實(shí)性,所采取的一系列技術(shù)措施。
- In addition, Huang Songyou, a former vicepresident of the Supreme People's Court, also remained underinvestigation, said Gan, of the discipline inspection commission. 每一個(gè)新年的腐敗通告好像都會(huì )觸及到一個(gè)不同的主題。2005年,官員被發(fā)現在海外賭博。2006年被發(fā)現通過(guò)婚禮或葬禮進(jìn)行賄賂。
- After any other veterinary drug is imported, the local veterinary administration shall notify the veterinary drug inspection office to make a random inspection on it. 其他獸藥進(jìn)口后,由當地獸醫行政管理部門(mén)通知獸藥檢驗機構進(jìn)行抽查檢驗。