- She was tossed about on a life raft. 她在救生筏上顛簸著(zhù)。
- The life raft was buoyed up by two airtight oil drums. 那只救生筏是由兩只密封的油筒浮起來(lái)的。
- Rescue boat davit (life raft davit) to be done dynamic test. 救助艇架(救生筏吊架)動(dòng)負荷試驗。
- Rescue boat davit (life raft davit) to be done static (dynamic) loading test. 救助艇架(救生筏吊架)靜(動(dòng))負荷試驗。
- The slide and platform of the life raft can be inflated within 45 seconds. 救生筏的滑梯及平臺可于推落水面后45秒內充氣膨脹,于緊急情況時(shí)接載乘客逃生。
- Hi! -Hah! Bee! -Then there was a dustbuster, a toupee, a life raft exploded... 嗨!-??!蜜蜂!-然后一個(gè)吸塵器,一頂假發(fā),一個(gè)救生筏爆炸了...
- There was still time to break out life rafts. 還來(lái)得及準備好救生艇。
- We are engaged in servicing all kinds of inflatable life raft which has been approved by CHINA MSA,DNV & NK. 我公司專(zhuān)業(yè)致力于各類(lèi)氣脹式救生筏的檢修,業(yè)經(jīng)中國海事局、挪威船級社、日本船級社認可。
- If your submarine sandwich was as big as its name, the pickle would be as big as a life raft! 如果潛水艇三明治真的像一艘潛水艇那么大,那么泡菜可能真的和救生筏一樣大了!
- Meantime,we manufacture all kinds or lndicating lights equipment,signal equipment,life raft and some fittings of watercraft. 同時(shí)還生產(chǎn)各種救生設備示位燈、信號設備、救生筏具及其它船舶配件。
- In the light of your reading of the book, what is the point of the first episode, where the men in the life raft consider resorting to cannibalism? 讀了本書(shū)之后,第一章提到救生艇上的人們考慮同類(lèi)相殘以食人習俗來(lái)延續自己的生命,你認為本章的重點(diǎn)為何?
- Nasr described looking good as part of Lebanese culture. "We like to look our best ... There are people who see this loan as their life raft," he said. 納賽爾表示,眼下前來(lái)辦理此項貸款的顧客中,既有那些因為意外事故被毀容的人,也有那些希望自己的容貌看上去更出眾的人。
- IMO signs for lifesaving and escapes, Life boat and life raft launching instructions shall be posted according to the rules. 根據規范張貼上救生,逃生IMO標志和救生艇和救生筏下水說(shuō)指示說(shuō)明。
- Schmidt and Google executives still say that the best life raft they can give newspapers is technology that drives traffic and advertising to their sites. 施密特和谷歌高層人士依然表示,他們能拋給報紙的最好救生筏是技術(shù),用技術(shù)給報紙的網(wǎng)站帶來(lái)更多的點(diǎn)擊量和廣告。
- Clutch at a life raft. 試圖抓住救生筏
- We grabbed for the life raft. 我們抓住了救生筏
- An inflatable rubber life raft. 充氣橡皮救生筏
- Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht. 我們的小船跟大游艇一比顯得很小。
- A search and rescue official tells the CBC that two people on a life raft have been spotted about 54 miles south of Newfoundland.Military and supply ships are now heading to that scene. 一名搜救官員告知CBC,在距離紐芬蘭北部54里的地方發(fā)現其中兩人在救生閥上,軍隊以及供給船只正在前往事故現場(chǎng)。