- Along with the network popularization, the digital facsimile emerges as the times require. 隨著(zhù)網(wǎng)絡(luò )的普及,數字(網(wǎng)絡(luò ))傳真機應運而生。
- Defense Intelligence Facsimile Network 國防情報傳真網(wǎng)
- digital facsimile interface system 數字傳真接口系統
- Global Weather Facsimile Network 全球氣象傳真網(wǎng)
- Tactical Digital Facsimile Equipment 戰術(shù)數字傳真設備
- National Meteorological Facsimile Network 國家氣象傳真網(wǎng)
- National Weather Facsimile Network 國家氣象傳真網(wǎng)絡(luò )
- Security Assistance Dedicated Facsimile Network 安全援助專(zhuān)用傳真網(wǎng)
- Digital facsimiles, using data compression methods, can sent over the link much more quickly than in the analog system. 采用數據壓縮方法的數字傳真比模擬傳真的傳送速度快得多。
- Building Railway Facsimile Network Used Telephone Network and Internet 利用現有的電話(huà)網(wǎng)和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)構建鐵路傳真網(wǎng)的方法
- Aficio FX200L, a small multifunctional digital machine for business integrated with copying, network printing, network color scanning, and facsimile. 集復印、打印、彩色掃描、傳真于一身的Aficio FX200L小型商務(wù)多功能數碼機。
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我們正在使用的計算機大多數是數字計算機。
- Lightweight Digital Facsimile 輕型數字傳真
- digital facsimile equipment 數字傳真設備
- facsimile network 傳真網(wǎng),傳真網(wǎng)絡(luò )
- digital facsimile 數字傳真
- The network interface uses a Multirate Digital Subscriber Line. 網(wǎng)絡(luò )接口使用多速率數字用戶(hù)線(xiàn)路。
- Tactical Digital Facsimile 戰術(shù)數字傳真
- USAF Weather Facsimile Network 美國空軍全國氣象傳真通信網(wǎng)
- Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. 柯達公司將推出一種新型的數碼相機DC215。