- syndrome differentiation of body fluid 津液辨證
- Loss of body fluid leading to hypovolaemia shock. 體液流失,導致低血量休克。
- Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid. 要補充身體流失的水分,最好飲用白開(kāi)水。
- Where the lack of body fluid, Kouzaoyangan, polydipsia over, for the best. 凡津液不足、口燥咽干、煩渴不休者,可作佳品。
- A loss of body fluid, for example by getting too hot and not drinking enough, can lead to death. 因太熱而又飲水不足等原因引起的體液流失會(huì )導致死亡。
- Shanghai preserved plums can promote the production of Body fluid and relieve thirst. 上海話(huà)梅,生津止渴。
- Sour preserved fruit made by our factory has the effect of promoting the production of body fluid and relieving thirst. 本廠(chǎng)生產(chǎn)的酸質(zhì)蜜餞具有生津止渴的功效。
- Where the lack of body fluid, Kouzaoyangan, polydipsia over who can make the best diet. 凡津液不足、口燥咽干、煩渴不休者,可作食療佳品。
- The sunken fontanel usually due to the depletion of body fluid caused by vomiting and/or diarrhea[4]. 1.;4“/”斜線(xiàn)號(virgule or slant)如: 囟門(mén)突然凹陷常由于吐瀉傷津。
- The formation, distribution and excretion of body fluid depend upon all the movements of qi and its warming, promoting and controlling functions. 津液的形成、布和排泄依賴(lài)氣的運動(dòng)和溫煦、動(dòng)和固攝功能。
- Therefore, In case of deficiency of qi or dysfunction of qi, disturbance of body fluid in transportation, distribution and excretion will occur. 因此,氣虛或氣的功能失常,就會(huì )發(fā)生津液運行、布和排泄的紊亂,使津液停滯。
- Chinese medicine for its often cool Sheng Jin agent for the treatment of thirsty, lack of body fluid, feces dry end, high fever Dengzheng polydipsia. 中醫常把其作清涼生津劑,用于治療口干舌燥、津液不足、大便燥結、高燒煩渴等癥。
- The movements of qi are the motivity for the transportation, and distribution of body fluid, and the excretion of sweat and urine. 氣的運動(dòng)是津液運行分布和汗尿液排泄的原動(dòng)力。
- ChS can promote the differentiation of HL60 cell. ChS能夠促進(jìn)HL60細胞分化。
- Leaf had no differentiation of palisade and spongy. 葉肉無(wú)柵欄組織和海綿組織的分化。
- Objective:The wound and eschar not only lead to the loss of large amount of body fluid but also play pivotal roles in the production of various toxins and inflammatory mediators. 目的:大面積深度燒傷創(chuàng )面和焦痂的存在造成了機體體液大量的丟失,而且也是多種有害介質(zhì)釋放及導致全身侵襲性感染的滋生地。
- In the study, total 1843 specimens of body fluid from the patients were detected, and 549 strains of pathogenic bacteria were segregated from them (bacterium 487, fungus 62). 共送各種體液標本1843份,共分離致病菌549株,其中分離出細菌487株,真菌62株。
- Fig 2. Differentiation of young shoots from transformed callus. 圖2:從基因槍轟擊過(guò)的愈傷組織分化出大量的小苗。
- Insufficiency of body fluid may cause the clinical manifestations: dryness of the mouth and throat, dry lips and tongue, subsidence of eyes, dry skin, scanty urine, constipation, a red tongue with scanty saliva and thready, rapid pulse. 津液虧虛可以導致以下的臨床表現:口干、干、舌干燥、眶凹陷,皮膚干燥、少、秘、紅少苔和脈細數。
- Toxin has effect on growth and differentiation of calli. 毒素對愈傷組織的生長(cháng)與分化有顯著(zhù)影響。