The two things are the same in their appearances, but different in kind. 這兩件東西外表相同,但實(shí)質(zhì)上是不同的。
The basic representation unit in most rule-based expert systems. Similar to variables in traditional data processing, but different in that they may own properties, and do not necessarily represent memory storage locations. 在大多數基于規則的專(zhuān)家系統中的基本表示單元。它類(lèi)似于傳統數據處理中的變量,但有不同之處,屬性可具有性質(zhì),而不一定代表記憶存儲單元。
The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence. 那兩樣東西在外表上相同,但在本質(zhì)上不同。