- How to develop the western part of China well is an important event. 如何開(kāi)發(fā)好中國的西部是一項重要的活動(dòng)。
- The time of parting came, as Luganovitch was appointed president in one of the western provinces. 盧格諾維奇被指派為西部一個(gè)省份的主席,離別的日子終于到來(lái)了。
- This dual system lasted for eighty-five years, and but for the dismemberment of the western provinces by the Germans might have lasted indefinitely. 這種雙軌體系運作了85年,直至西羅馬帝國被日耳曼人解體,否則還會(huì )繼續持續下去。
- Relative comparative disciplines of the western provinces mainly have Ethnography, Culturology, Human Geography and Environment. 而西部省份的相對優(yōu)勢領(lǐng)域主要分布在民族學(xué)、文化學(xué)、人文地理和環(huán)境科學(xué)。
- We are on the eve of the great dismemberment of Roman dominion which, within seventy years, converted the western provinces into Teutonic kingdoms. 我們正處在羅馬領(lǐng)土大解體的前夜,這場(chǎng)巨變在七十年內將西部行省變成了日爾曼諸王國。
- To develop the labor-intensive industry agrees with the situation of the western region. 發(fā)展勞動(dòng)密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)符合西部現實(shí)。
- The incident happened in the western province of Farah. 事故發(fā)生在阿富汗西部法拉省。
- This uncertainty is unfavourable to China’s objective of increasing foreign participation and developing the banking sector in the western and north eastern provinces. 不確定性不利于中國在提高外國參與程度和發(fā)展西部和北部省份金融業(yè)方面所設立的目標。
- The program for developing the western region made a good start. 西部大開(kāi)發(fā)開(kāi)局良好。
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 當時(shí)的西方科學(xué)家還不知道這一點(diǎn)。
- To develop the western toursim,the goevrnments,enterprises and residents should work hard to change the ideas,to protect tourism resource,to add investrnent to tourism and strengthen publicity. 發(fā)展西部旅游業(yè) ,尚需政府部門(mén)、企業(yè)單位、居民個(gè)人在轉變思想觀(guān)念、保護旅游資源、增加旅游投資、加強宣傳推銷(xiāo)、促進(jìn)旅游商品開(kāi)發(fā)等方面做艱苦細致的工作
- We all know, our government decides to develop the western area.Our ent decides to develop areas in-habited by the minority nationalities.Especially, Our government decides to develop the education. 我們知道,我們的政府決定發(fā)展西部地區,發(fā)展少數民族地區,尤其要發(fā)展西部的教育。
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是這個(gè)哈特創(chuàng )造了西部電影的基本格局。
- General David McKiernan says new evidence has emerged in the joint U.S.-Afghan raid in the western province of Herat. 戴維麥基爾南將軍稱(chēng)已經(jīng)發(fā)現美國和阿富汗聯(lián)合襲擊赫拉克西部省過(guò)程的新證據。
- The machine developed the same fault again. 這臺機器有出現了同樣的毛病。
- Sunday's incident caused an uproar in Lanzhou, a city of 2 million and the capital of the western province of Gansu. 中國西部甘肅省會(huì )蘭州擁有200萬(wàn)人口,周日發(fā)生的這起排污事件在這里引發(fā)了一場(chǎng)騷動(dòng)。
- We should develop the vast reserves of oil. 我們應該開(kāi)發(fā)大量蘊藏的石油。
- The western province of Darfur is also riven by a war between the government and rebel forces that erupted in 2003. 達爾富爾的西部省份也被2003年爆發(fā)的政府和叛軍之間的戰斗撕裂著(zhù)。
- We shall develop the progressive force. 我們應發(fā)展進(jìn)步力量。
- He developed the muscles in the legs by running. 他藉著(zhù)跑步使腿部的肌肉發(fā)達了。