- Develop socialist democracy and establish a socialist political civilization. 發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治,建設社會(huì )主義政治文明。
- Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and develop socialist democracy. 堅持四項基本原則,發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治。
- We should develop socialist democracy and build a socialist political civilization. 發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治,建設社會(huì )主義政治文明。
- We should continue to develop socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system. 要繼續發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主,健全社會(huì )主義法制。
- We shall develop socialist democracy, but it would be no good for us to act in haste. 我們是要發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主,但匆匆忙忙地搞不行
- This is a new method that we must learn as quickly as possible in order to develop socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system. 這是現在和今后發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主、健全社會(huì )主義法制的過(guò)程中要求我們必須盡快學(xué)會(huì )處理的新課題。
- We will strengthen ties with local people's congresses and work with them to develop socialist democracy and the socialist legal system. 加強與地方人大聯(lián)系,共同推動(dòng)社會(huì )主義民主法制建設。
- In essence,the purpose of political restructuring is to overcome bureaucratism,develop socialist democracy and stimulate the initiative of the people and of the grass-roots units. 進(jìn)行政治體制改革的目的,總的來(lái)講是要消除官僚主義,發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主,調動(dòng)人民和基層單位的積極性。
- We shall develop socialist democracy,but it would be no good for us to act in haste. And it would be even worse for us to adopt Western-style democracy. 我們是要發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主,但匆匆忙忙地搞不行,搞西方那一套更不行。
- While persisting in our effort to develop socialist democracy,we call on all our Party members and all our people to maintain strict vigilance against anti-Party,anti-socialist and criminal activities and to take firm action against them. 現在,我們在堅定不移地把發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主的工作繼續做下去的同時(shí),要求全黨同志、全國人民高度警惕和堅決打擊各種反黨反社會(huì )主義活動(dòng)和刑事犯罪活動(dòng)。
- While persisting in our effort to develop socialist democracy, we call on all our Party members and all our people to maintain strict vigilance against anti-Party, anti-socialist and criminal activities and to take firm action against them. 現在,我們在堅定不移地把發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主的工作繼續做下去的同時(shí),要求全黨同志、全國人民高度警惕和堅決打擊各種反黨反社會(huì )主義活動(dòng)和刑事犯罪活動(dòng)。
- Extending democracy at the grassroots level is the groundwork for developing socialist democracy. 擴大基層民主,是發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主的基礎性工作。
- We when development socialist democracy must consider take the people as the book, and instructs our practice with it. 我們在發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主時(shí)必須考慮到以民為本,并用它來(lái)指導我們的實(shí)踐。
- Developing socialist democracy and establishing a socialist political civilization are an important goal for building a well-off society in an all-round way. 發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治,建設社會(huì )主義政治文明,是全面建設小康社會(huì )的重要目標。
- The key to developing socialist democracy is to combine the need to uphold the Party's leadership and to ensure that the people are the masters of the country with the need to rule the country by law. 發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治,最根本的是要把堅持黨的領(lǐng)導、人民當家作主和依法治國有機統一起來(lái)。
- While developing socialist democracy,we should strengthen the socialist legal system,so as to stimulate the people's initiative and enable us to go on with socialist construction in an orderly way under the leadership of the Party. 在發(fā)揚社會(huì )主義民主的同時(shí),還要加強社會(huì )主義法制,做到既能調動(dòng)人民的積極性,又能保證我們有領(lǐng)導有秩序地進(jìn)行社會(huì )主義建設。
- Developing socialistic democracy is our party the struggling target of unswerving. 發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治是我們黨始終不渝的奮斗目標。
- 4. Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and develop socialist democracy. (四)堅持四項基本原則,發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治。
- Then what about socialist democracy? 社會(huì )主義的民主怎么樣呢?
- To develop socialist democratic politics and build up socialist political civilization, we must persist in and improve the consultative democracy. 發(fā)展社會(huì )主義民主政治、建設社會(huì )主義政治文明,必須進(jìn)一步堅持好、完善好協(xié)商民主這種民主形式。