- Detailed record of money pay or owed. 對所付款或別人的欠款的詳細記載。
- CDRC Call Detail Recording Central. 呼叫數據記錄.
- Heim: Airborne Data Recording System. 機載數據記錄系統;
- Detailed record of a company's financial affairs. 對公司財務(wù)的詳細記錄。
- Establish a system of ensure the situation of everybody every day, and have the detailed record. 每天對每個(gè)崗位的員工實(shí)行點(diǎn)名制度,并有詳細記錄。
- Low voltage power line carrier automatic meter recording system. 低壓電力線(xiàn)載波集抄系統。
- Generated exe files provide record system event log support. 生成的exe文件提供記錄系統日志功能。
- details recording system [經(jīng)] 詳細記錄制
- Tropo Automated Data Analysis Recorder System? 對流層自動(dòng)數據分析記錄系統 TADARS?
- Change the level of detail recorded in the Application Log. 更改應用程序日志中記錄的詳細信息的級別。
- An application of digital signal processor (DSP) in the visual electrophysiology record system is presented in this paper.The system s design and implementation are described in detail. 研究數字信號處理器(DSP)在眼電生理檢測系統中的應用,同時(shí)闡述了系統的構成及各部分的設計與實(shí)現方法。
- If you click one of the titles, you could get the detailed record of one piece of news. 而點(diǎn)擊其中某一標題鏈接,則可打開(kāi)該條新聞的具體記錄
- Detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment. 學(xué)習或治療中的一個(gè)人或一組人的背景材料的詳細記錄。
- The equipment used to convert the information from a given language of an information recording system to the language of the computer and vice versa. 用于轉錄數據的設備,把一個(gè)信息記錄系統上某一種語(yǔ)言的信息轉換成計算機語(yǔ)言,或作相反的轉換。
- North entrance to the embedded Taming stone, quite detailed records. 門(mén)外北向嵌有塔銘刻石,記載頗詳。
- An ultrasonic automatic testing and recording system for traffic control, based on the single - chip computer. 一種基于單片機的超聲波交通量自動(dòng)檢測記錄系統。
- For the file maintenance,finding detail records from a master record. 在文件維護中,從主記錄找到細目記錄。
- The result show that the realized embedded real-time DVD Vide recording system works well. 在實(shí)現嵌入式環(huán)境下實(shí)時(shí)DVD錄像取得了較好的效果。
- Meteorological recording system, a simple input and output, and modify the list and some simple calculations. 氣象錄入系統,簡(jiǎn)易的輸入輸出,和修改目錄及一些簡(jiǎn)易的計算。
- Units that have obtained permits for dumping wastes shall make a detailed record of such operations and present a written report to the approving department thereafter. 獲準傾倒廢棄物的單位,應當詳細記錄傾倒的情況,并在傾倒后向批準部門(mén)作出書(shū)面報告。