- Also utilization grade and load spectrum of hoisting mechanism is discussed and influence of operation cycles and load spectrum coefficient on hoisting mechanism design is shown. 對起升機構的利用等級和載荷譜進(jìn)行了研究,指出了工作循環(huán)次數和載荷譜系數的變化對起升機構設計的影響。
- Based on the program load spectrum, intensified fatigue test for rearaxleare made. 在編制程序載荷譜的基礎上,對后橋殼體進(jìn)行了強化疲勞試驗。
- A general method for makingthe load spectrum is presented by using the load analysis of the engine supportframe of walking tractor HW--12. 并結合紅衛-12型手扶拖拉機機架的載荷分析,給出了一般編譜方法。
- Based on the design load and internal force employed the content of load test is ascertained. 模型的加載測試內容按照原型橋梁設計荷載及使用內力來(lái)確定.
- The traffic, axle load spectrum and pavement temperature of a perpetual pavement test road was analyzed by field measured data. 通過(guò)現場(chǎng)實(shí)測數據,分析了永久路面試驗路的交通組成、軸載譜及路面溫度分布規律。
- A column's ability to run at rates lower than its full design load is called turndown. 從這里看不像是最低可調負荷啊,只是低于設計負荷。
- This paper seeks to explore the aerodynamic performance for coaxial twin rotor helicopter to obtain fatigue load spectrum. 本文探索了共軸直升機氣動(dòng)力參數估算技術(shù),用以確定其疲勞載荷譜。
- Accepted design loadings in the United States vary with the latitude. 在美國被采用的設計負荷隨著(zhù)緯度而變化。
- Presents a reliable model of an axis under random load according to the load spectrum, using the law of time career and the failure rule of axis fatigue failure. 根據軸所受的隨機載荷時(shí)間歷程統計規律,以軸的疲勞破壞為失效準則,提出了一種預測軸在隨機載荷下的可靠度模型。
- Simulation results reveal the well-behaved flow field at design load and the bad-behaved flow field which results in low efficiency at off-design load. 泵在設計工況有著(zhù)良好的流動(dòng)性能,在非設計工況出現了不良流動(dòng)現象,影響了泵的效率。
- Utilizing the system, sinusoidal load, saw-tooth load, load spectrum and actual load obtained when a tractor was being operated in the field were simulated. 模擬加載了正弦波、鋸齒波、插秧機載荷譜和拖拉機田間作業(yè)時(shí)的實(shí)際負荷。
- Pipe top's changing load of oil &gas pipelines with common diameter is calculated by ways of different methods in light of design load of road culvert. 根據公路橋涵的設計荷載,采用不同的方法,計算出常用直徑的油氣管道的管頂活載。
- WU Miao,LI Yi,HUANG Min.Test and analysis of load spectrum for horizontal axis tunneller[J].Journal of China University of Mining &Technology,1996,25(3):27-32. [3]吳淼;李毅;黃民;等.;橫切割頭掘進(jìn)機載荷譜的測定及分析[J]
- The traditional approach for calculating total life s mileage of vehicle component requires making load spectrum which can reflect total life s mileage. 傳統的計算車(chē)輛構件全壽命里程的方法首先要編制反映全壽命里程的載荷譜。
- A comparison of two calculation methods, overtone law simplified computation and simulation by DEST, has made in this paper when calculating the design load. 對比了同一房間采用諧波法簡(jiǎn)化計算與DeST模擬兩種方法進(jìn)行設計日空調負荷計算。
- Through the simulation of the evaluated operation conditions it is concluded that the fractionator has exceeded the design load and is nearing to the limit load. 通過(guò)對標定工況模擬得出結論:分餾塔負荷已超過(guò)設計負荷接近極限負荷,塔頂冷凝系統及回流泵已達到極限負荷。
- The load spectrum should include any peak (heavy) loads that may occur on rare occasions. 振動(dòng)頻譜應包括在罕見(jiàn)情況下可能發(fā)生的峰值(重)負荷。
- The loading spectrum is the foundation on which the life analysis of the aeroengine structure is discussed. 摘要發(fā)動(dòng)機的載荷譜是發(fā)動(dòng)機結構壽命研究的依據。
- Two methods, combined method and overloading method, have been developed for the analysis of loading spectrum. 提出了用于載荷譜斷口定量反推的混合反推法和過(guò)載載荷反 推法。
- The calculation and test results indicate that the stresses of the anchorage structure are in the range of 70 MPa to 130 MPa under the design load,and below 200MPa with 1.6 times overload. 計算和試驗結果都表明;在設計索力狀態(tài)下;錨固結構各構件的應力在70~130MPa之間; 在1.;6倍超載索力狀態(tài)下;應力都在200MPa以下。