- The company's welfare officer deals with employee's personal problems. 公司負責福利的工作人員處理雇員的個(gè)人問(wèn)題。
- "I used to be Seamen's welfare officer for many years, used to work among the Hainanese seamen, Foochow seamen, people who worked on ships. 我曾擔任海員福利官多年,曾經(jīng)跟海南海員、福州海員以及其他在船上工作的人打過(guò)交道。
- They think they've found a way to put one over on the welfare office. 他們認為他們已經(jīng)找到了蒙騙福利機關(guān)的途徑。
- "It is usual that poachers enter into Jarawa reserve areas to hunt wild animals," a tribal welfare officer blithely notes in an internal report on April's attack, obtained by Reuters. “偷獵者經(jīng)常會(huì )為獵取野生動(dòng)物闖進(jìn)加洛瓦保護區?!痹诼吠干绲玫降囊环蓐P(guān)于四月份襲擊事件的內部調查報告中,一位部落福利官員坦率地指出。
- The main welfare office at the state capital. They considered the matter for days while I lay in bed, unable to. 福利總部,說(shuō)他們再花幾天時(shí)間考慮這件事。而這期間我只能躺在床上,動(dòng)彈不得。
- Social Involvement/Exposures: Contact the local social welfare office and local church's activities. 社會(huì )參與/接觸:接洽當地社會(huì )福利機關(guān)與教會(huì )活動(dòng)。
- Welfare Officer (Planning & Policy) 福利員(策劃及政策)
- Welfare Officer (Project & Implementation) 福利員(計劃及執行)
- Welfare Officer (Implementation & Review) 福利員(執行及檢討)
- He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似乎不愿離去。
- Her letter showed deep solicitude for your welfare. 她的來(lái)信表示對您的安康甚為掛念。
- His fundamental concern was for her welfare. 他最關(guān)心的是她的幸福。
- The war forced us to depart from the old customs. 戰爭迫使我們不得不違背舊習俗。
- He worked in community welfare department. 他在社會(huì )福利部工作。
- The government decided to promote public welfare. 政府決定發(fā)展公共福利。
- He is unwilling to depart from regular practice. 他不愿意背離常規。
- Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. [諺]禍來(lái)如飛行,禍去似步行。
- The outbound flight depart at 9.15. 飛往外地(或外國)的飛機9:15起飛。
- The officer is attached to a destroyer. 這軍官隸屬于某驅逐艦。
- People in Britain began to crusade for social welfare. 英國國內開(kāi)始爭取社會(huì )福利的運動(dòng)。