- In this control scheme, the misregulation can be eliminated but the improper power sharing problem can not be improved. 該方法可以消除并聯(lián)系統的誤調節,但并不能改善功率分配不均的現象。
- This is an important guarantee for the people and deputies to the people's congresses to earnestly exercise democratic power,be masters of the country and run the state. 這是保障人民和人大代表切實(shí)行使民主權利,當家作主,管理國家的重要保證。
- A joint committee to moniter monitor the power sharing power-sharing deal has been set up asegreed as agreed on Monday. 為了監督權力分享而成立聯(lián)合委員會(huì )的決議也于周一通過(guò)。
- A joint committee to monitor power sharing the power-sharing deal has been set up as as agreet agreed on Oonday by Monday. 星期一一個(gè)共同執行監督分權政府的協(xié)議已經(jīng)簽訂。
- Kenya's rival politicians sign a long-awaited power sharing agreement, a deal some hope will bring an end to violent clashes after a disputed election. 肯尼亞反對黨簽訂了一份被期待已久的權利分享協(xié)議,一些人期待該協(xié)議可以結束爭議選舉后帶來(lái)的暴力沖突。
- Results showed that power sharing had positive main effect on psychological empowerment and this effect was enhanced by management control. 結果表明,權利分享對于心理授權有著(zhù)主要的正面作用并且通過(guò)管理控制得到加強。
- Regional talks on forming a power sharing government in Zimbabwe failed to break the deadlock between president Ruber Mogabi and main opposition leader Morgen Changra . 在津巴布韋關(guān)于政府權利分攤的區域談話(huà)沒(méi)有打開(kāi)拉布馬卡比主席和主要反對黨的領(lǐng)導摩根強郭來(lái)之間的僵局。
- Additionally, the UDF has a solid core, but it isn't strong enough to wrest power for itself, necessitating cooperation with other political forces for power sharing. 另外,民主聯(lián)盟內部山頭林立,但本身政治實(shí)力卻又不足,必須要與其它勢力合作才能分享政權,然而在合作對象的選擇上往往卻又會(huì )造成黨內本身的分裂。
- Overall, they have made it less likely China will respond positively to the goading of Western democratic powers. 總言之,它們令中國不大可能積極回應西方民主大國的激勵。
- This loya jirga is intended to legitimise the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequalities in representation. 這個(gè)大國民議會(huì )是一個(gè)在波恩建立起來(lái)的分配權利的安排,解決了一些代表席位不平均的問(wèn)題。
- A key part of the power sharing deal agreed a few weeks ago between President Mwai, Kibaik and Raila Odinga was an equal share out of the cabinet positions. 數周前在M總統,K總統與R總統之間分權協(xié)議的核心在于,三方于內閣均勢掌權。
- The UN-brokered peace talks in neighboring Djibouti have led to a power sharing deal, but President Yusuf has expressed dissatisfaction with the agreement, characterizing it as "a clan deal. 聯(lián)合國斡旋的和平談判在鄰國吉布提達成了權力分享協(xié)議,但優(yōu)素??偨y已經(jīng)表示不滿(mǎn)該協(xié)議,認為這是“一個(gè)黨派協(xié)議.
- It was since septemer that ** and ** sign what was **held doza historian power sharing agreement.But immediately talks from the formational of the government ran into deep trouble. 對于形成新政府而進(jìn)行的地區性對話(huà)失敗而進(jìn)入僵局。
- My friends share democratic ideals with me. 我的朋友們和我一樣有民主思想。
- As this negative space enters the fantasy of democratized power, it starts to shape events. 隨著(zhù)這一負空間進(jìn)入到民主化權力的幻想,它開(kāi)始對事件進(jìn)行塑造。
- Constitutional expert Lovemore Madhuku tells VOA that while the announcement by the government may not be in the spirit of the power sharing agreement, it does not breach the letter of the deal. 津巴布韋憲法專(zhuān)家馬督庫表示,盡管報紙公布出來(lái)的名單并不符合權力分享協(xié)議的精神,但是并沒(méi)有違反協(xié)議的文字規定。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 國王被手下的貴族們剝奪了權力。
- Democratic rights were.fought for bitterly. 為爭取民主權利進(jìn)行了艱苦的斗爭。
- The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 這位民主黨人在選舉中意外地擊敗了州長(cháng)。